Andrew (Andy) Wilson born 1902 died 21/04/1926 Grange Avenue Chapeltown Leeds from pleurisy.
His father was the famous cyclist John (Jack) Wilson who competed in the 1912 Stockholm Olympics.
Andy was a member of the Yorkshire Road Club. He began his racing career on the 08/05/1921 at the age of 18
He took part in the following races:
1923 World Championship Road Race
1924 Olympic Road Race.
1925 World Championship Road Race
1926 Broke the York to Edinburgh R.R.A Bicycle record 9 hours 44 minutes for the 189 ¾ miles bettering the previous record held by Reg Shirley by over 52 minutes..
Michael Butler
Deelnemer OS 1924. Eén van de beste wegrenners en tijdrijders van Groot-Brittannië van de eerste helft van de jaren 20. Wilson stierf aan pleuris op de dag dat koningin Elisabeth II geboren werd. Hij werd amper 23 jaar.