I have known Lorenza for years and consider her an adopted daughter. Lorenza has achieved wonders with little help from external sources other than a huge impulse in sports from her Father and decades of loving care from her Mom. Lorenza trained by herself for decades on higways around Cuernavaca, Mexico, her hometown. She would discipline herself and wake up early, go and ride her bike over a difficult road that climbs up to around 10,000 feet and would return. I saw her cycle up very steep inclines with the most difficult gear in her bike simply to gain strength on her legs. Then, after arriving home, she would clean and mount her bike on top of a trainer and ride for another 60 or minutes.
On one occasion a truch hit her while climbing on the highway and broke her arm in two. I thought Lorenza was going to stop cycling, but she still continued to practice on her fixed trainer until her arm healed.
She was discovered by the italian team Turbo and has been training in Europe during the last maybe 4 years. Lorenza will become world champion very soon. She has a heart of gold and a dedication that is not common. Cycling is not only her passion but her life. She is by far my favorite athlete on this planet. She will leave her mark on this world.