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1 Nathan Clarke 48.38
2 Glenn O'Shea
3 Paul Redenbach
4 Richie Porte
5 Adam Semple
6 David Kemp
7 Cameron Hughes
8 David Pell
9 Tim Roe
10 Dylan Newell
11 Luke Durbridge
12 Ben King
13 Stuart Grimsey
14 Greg Campbell
15 Michael Hepburn
16 Henry Morley
17 Brad Hall
18 Nathan Jones
19 Malcolm Rudolph
20 Jonathan Lovelock
21 Scott Kilmartin
22 Steven George
23 Peter Milostic
24 Eddy Hollands
25 Daniel Furmston
26 Mark Ledgerwood
27 James Langedyk
28 Brad Norton
29 Patrick Gill
30 Matthew Puzey 1.15
DNF Peter Smith
DNF Will Dickeson
DNF Tim Walker
DNF Elliott Wells
DNF Steven Hedley
DNF Roy Gillespie
DNF Michael Verheyen
DNF Brad Edmunds
DNF Mark Petterson
DNS Michael Freiberg
DNS Gregory Mayer
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