Criterium on 06/15/2008
Men - Cat 4/5
Cat 4 1676-2000, Cat 5 2176-2500 Rank Points
1 (1 - Cat4) Thomas Mackay N/A 258841 31 ABRT/Latitude
2 (2 - Cat4) Alex Siegel N/A 196578 43 Liquid Fitness Cycling Team
3 (3 - Cat4) Jose Nunez N/A 259800 35 Route 1 Velo/Capitol Hill Bikes
4 (4 - Cat4) William Kanteres N/A 256269 26 Route 1 Velo/Capitol Hill Bikes
5 (5 - Cat4) James Drane N/A 244299 20 Artemis
6 (6 - Cat4) Bradley Kendall N/A 266702 27 NCVC/Inova Health System
7 (7 - Cat4) Gregoire Faber N/A 257531 21 NCVC/Inova Health System
8 (8 - Cat4) David Crouse N/A 198282 16 The Bike Lane
9 (9 - Cat4) Cameron Patch N/A 256779 38 NCVC/Inova Health System
10 (1 - Cat5) Jonathan Goulet N/A 279215 24
11 (2 - Cat5) Ryan Burke N/A 173710 11 Pro Pedals/Team Express
12 (10 - Cat4) Christopher Redmond N/A 242168 40 Rutgers Cycling
13 (11 - Cat4) Trevor Shattuck N/A 226606 41 Hunt Valley Bicycles
14 (3 - Cat5) Scott Hendrickson N/A 244180 25 Philadelphia Ciclismo
15 Rob Brown N/A 10
16 (12 - Cat4) Nathan Miller N/A 275985 34 Squadra Coppi/IM Saab
17 (13 - Cat4) Steven Kendall N/A 259050 28 NCVC/Inova Health System
18 Jeffrey Garvey N/A 128337 23 Team DRT/Toscana
19 (4 - Cat5) Chris Chapman N/A 258109 12 Team DRT/Deep Blue
DNF Andrew Armstrong N/A 256830 6 NCVC/Inova Health System
DNF John Barkley N/A 160507 7 Christiana Care PT+/FSVS
DNF Ron Benedict N/A 280976 8 NCVC
DNF Todd Bickling N/A 257925 9 Bike Doctor/Bayside Velo
DNF Tracy Campbell N/A 203997 Cape Atlantic Racing/Team Beacon
DNF Daniel Conlin N/A 255713 13 Team DRT/Deep Blue
DNF Kevin Correale N/A 244001 14 Team DRT
DNF Stephen Correale N/A 261260 15 Team DRT - Deep Blue
DNF Sam Curlee N/A 258322 navy
DNF Omari Daughtridge N/A 280125 17
DNF Paul De Santis N/A 208386 18 Kelly Benefit Strategies
DNF Dan Dinneen N/A 240074 19 3D FITNESS AND HEALTH
DNF Thomas DiTullio N/A 279350 Action Wheels
DNF Charles Fink N/A 239680 22 Route 1 Velo/Capitol Hill Bikes
DNF Charles Gardiner N/A 211152 Human Zoom/Pabst Blue Ribbon
DNF Avi Kurlantzick N/A 273941 29 Artemis
DNF Jeff Lange N/A 264214 30 WWVC/3D Fitness & Health
DNF Jose Maldonado N/A 82220 Philadelphia Ciclismo
DNF Jerry McCalop N/A 73600 32 artemis
DNF stephen mikulcik N/A 261219 33 Team DRT - Deep Blue
DNF Doug Morris N/A 268018
DNF Chas Offutt N/A 277783 36 The Bike Rack DC
DNF Rowel (Rob) Palisoc N/A 195972 37 NCVC/Inova Health System
DNF Brooke Patterson N/A 220581 39 Route 1 Velo/Capitol Hill Bikes
DNF Jay Paulding N/A 265613 Team DRT/Deep Blue
DNF john shea N/A 255118 42 Artemis
DNF Roy Simonson N/A 242509 44 First State Velo Sport
DNF John Spieker N/A 226033 45 Shore Velocity
DNF Benjamin Storozum N/A 257355 46 naval academy cycling team
DNF Marko Strukelj N/A
DNF Michael Teichman N/A 47
DNF Eric Toff N/A 240788 48 PSR/Grohe
DNF Lyal Tressler N/A 174880 49
DNF Michael Williams N/A 71755 Wilmington Velocity