1. 1 Dionne, Charles Successful Living 3.43'37" 10"
2. 21 Boivin, Guillaume EVA-Devinci 3.43'43" 6" 6"
3. 11 Langlois, Bruno Volkswagen 3.44'30" 53" 4"
4. 314 Garland, Zach Team H&R Block 3.44'43" 1'06"
5. 312 Dugan, William CCB/Volkswagen 3.45'18" 1'41"
6. 315 Hollenbach, Jake CCB/Volkswagen 3.46'10" 2'33"
7. 311 Devries, Chris Team H&R Block 3.49'46" 6'09"
8. 317 Jasiewicz, Colin CCB/Volkswagen 3.49'46" 6'09"
9. 77 Tremblay, Andre Apogee- Kuota/Elicycle 3.49'51" 6'14"
10. 71 Racine, Jean- Francois Garneau-Crocs-Suzano 3.49'55" 6'18"
11. 318 McNeil, Chris Team H&R Block 3.49'59" 6'22"
12. 52 Lapointe, Hugues Bluberi-Martin Swiss 3.49'59" 6'22"
13. 17 B. Thibault, Charles EVA-Devinci 3.50'03" 6'26" 3"
14. 26 Bussieres, Pascal 2peer.com 3.50'03" 6'26"
15. 208 Blackburn, William VéloSelect 3.50'06" 6'29"
16. 73 Rousseau, Sebastien Marinoni-Cadence 3.50'13" 6'36"
17. 78 Veilleux- Lessard, Vincent VéloSelect 3.50'16" 6'39" 2"
18. 321 Steenbergen, Anthony Team H&R Block 3.50'38" 7'01"
19. 45 Joly- Smith, Maxime 2peer.com 3.54'48" 11'11" 1"
20. 67 Pelletier, Joel Marinoni-Cadence 4.02'44" 19'07"
21. 69 Provost, Jean- Philippe Marinoni-Cadence 4.09'49" 26'12"
22. 322 Worden, Chris CCB/Volkswagen 4.10'17" 26'40"
Riders dropping out, Coureurs qui ont abandonné
20 Boilard, Pierre 2peer.com
34 Devisscher, Thomas Apogee- Kuota/Elicycle
40 Gagnon- Brassard, Simon EVA-Devinci
49 Laliberte, Thierry Sportif Bromont
51 Lapierre, Ugo 2peer.com
64 Matteau, Antoine Garneau-Crocs-Suzano
70 Quirion, Vincent Garneau-Crocs-Suzano
110 McLeod, Garrett Apogee- Kuota/Elicycle
309 Belliveau, Ryan Apogee- Kuota/Elicycle
310 Coutu, Chris MetLife p/b unlose.it
313 Fleming, Ryan MetLife p/b unlose.it
Number of not started
Nombre de pas partir 0 Number of starters
Nombre de coureurs au depart 33 Number remaining
Nombre des coureurs restants 22
Riders after time limit
Arrivés hors délais -- Riders dropping out
Coureurs qui ont abandonné 20, 34, 40, 49, 51, 64, 70, 110, 309, 310, 313 (=11)