1 Jeremy Yates (Subway-Avanti) 2.06.09
2 Glen Chadwick (Raboplus) 0.08
3 Aaron Strong (Ascot Park Hotel) 0.16
4 Heath Blackgrove (Colourplus) 0.21
5 Hayden Roulston (The Southland Times-Trek) 0.31
6 James Williamson (Subway-Avanti) 0.32
7 Philip Schnyder (Kia Motors) 0.33
8 Dominique Rollin (Delmaine R&R) 0.43
9 Eric Drower (Cycle Surgery) 0.50
10 Michael Grabinger (Hilo Decorating Ltd) 0.53
11 Blair Martin (Creation Signs) 0.56
12 Matthew Marshall (South West Helicopters) 1.06
13 Roman Van Uden (Share The Road) 1.07
14 Benjamin King (Calder Stewart) 1.09
15 Joseph Cooper (Subway-Avanti) 1.11
16 Justin England (Colourplus) 1.18
17 Mathew Gorter (Powernet) 1.21
18 George Bennett (Kia Motors) 1.22
19 Elliot Crowther (Ascot Park Hotel) 1.24
20 Ashley Whitehead (Delmaine R&R) 1.30
21 Shem Roger (Raboplus) 1.32
22 Josh Barley (Fulton Hogan) 1.40
23 Jack Bauer (Fulton Hogan) 1.43
24 Michael Stallard (Powernet) 1.44
25 Andrew Crawley (Creation Signs) 1.46
26 Brett Dawber (Winton's Middle Pub) 1.47
27 Gordon Mccauley (Cycle Surgery) 1.51
28 Alex Meenhorst (Kia Motors) 1.53
29 Mike Northey (Ascot Park Hotel) 1.57
30 Brett Tivers (Preston Russell Law) 2.02
31 Brock Roberts (Preston Russell Law) 2.03
32 Peter Latham (Raboplus) 2.05
33 Paul Odlin (The Southland Times-Trek) 2.06
34 Matt Sillars (Delmaine R&R) 2.09
35 Justin Kerr (Raboplus) 2.12
36 Richard Rollinson (Energy Smart) 2.16
37 Alex Mcgregor (Calder Stewart) 2.18
38 Nick Longrove (Hudson Gavin Martin) 2.25
39 Mark Langlands (Delmaine R&R) 2.26
40 Ryan Wills (Share The Road) 2.32
41 Alex Malone (Creation Signs) 2.35
42 David Evans (Creation Signs) 2.36
43 Jesse Sergent (Subway-Avanti) 2.37
44 Stephen Elden (Preston Russell Law) 2.38
45 Michael Torckler (The Southland Times-Trek) 2.43
46 Jonathon Atkinson (Riverside Rentals) 2.45
47 Nic Atkinson (Energy Smart)
48 Dennis Farrell (Energy Smart) 2.47
49 Bradley Aldrich (Sycamore Print) 2.51
50 Andrew Eagles (Hudson Gavin Martin) 2.52
51 Chris Sanson (Winton's Middle Pub) 2.53
52 Sam King-Turner (Delmaine R&R) 2.54
53 Charles Dionne (Hilo Decorating Ltd) 2.57
54 Andy Mcnab (Sycamore Print) 2.59
55 Robin Reid (Raboplus) 3.01
56 Tom Scully (Cycle Surgery) 3.02
57 Alan Williams (Riverside Rentals) 3.04
58 Will Dickeson (Kia Motors) 3.05
59 Samuel Eadie (Kia Motors) 3.12
60 Andrew Phillips (Energy Smart) 3.21
61 Chuck Coyle (Hilo Decorating Ltd) 3.23
62 Scott Rainsford (Fulton Hogan) 3.24
63 Latham Croft (Sycamore Print) 3.28
64 Tyler Locke (Now-MS Society) 3.29
65 Leon Hextall (Winton's Middle Pub) 3.34
66 Brad Carter (Calder Stewart) 3.35
67 James Gibson (Winton's Middle Pub) 3.37
68 Brad Hall (Preston Russell Law) 3.38
69 Alasdair Dempsey (Fulton Hogan) 3.39
70 Alexander Ray (Sycamore Print) 3.40
71 Tim Pearce (Southern Institute Of Technology) 3.50
72 Marc Ryan (Colourplus) 3.52
73 David Ayre (Winton's Middle Pub)
74 Westley Gough (Colourplus) 3.55
75 Colin Robertson (Energy Smart) 4.05
76 Aaron Lawson (Share The Road) 4.13
77 Joel Pearson (Powernet) 4.23
78 Nico De Jong (Hudson Gavin Martin) 4.24
79 Winston Biggs (Riverside Rentals) 4.27
80 Jamie Whyte (Hudson Gavin Martin) 4.29
81 Sam Bewley (The Southland Times-Trek) 4.32
82 James Mccoy (Calder Stewart)
83 Matt Douglas (Southern Institute Of Technology)
84 Paul Winterbourne (Powernet) 4.33
85 Colin Cornberg (Riverside Rentals) 4.36
86 Bevan Mason (Ascot Park Hotel) 4.37
87 Jeremy Meech (Hudson Gavin Martin) 4.39
88 Jonty Taylor (Southern Institute Of Technology) 4.50
89 Kirk O'bee (Hilo Decorating Ltd) 4.54
90 Sheldon Gorter (Southern Institute Of Technology) 5.01
91 Daniel Seagar (Sycamore Print)
92 Travis Kane (South West Helicopters) 5.09
93 Logan Hutchings (Colourplus) 5.11
94 Omer Kem (Hilo Decorating Ltd) 5.13
95 Hayden Godfrey (Subway-Avanti) 5.16
96 Mark Matthews (South West Helicopters) 5.17
97 Matt Gilbert (Share The Road) 5.18
98 Tim Hargrave (Fulton Hogan) 5.30
99 Sheldon Deeny (Now-MS Society) 5.31
100 John Alabaster (Powernet) 5.36
101 Simon Croom (South West Helicopters) 5.51
102 Shane Melrose (The Southland Times-Trek) 5.53
103 Clinton Avery (Ascot Park Hotel)
104 Aaron Schneider (Now-MS Society) 5.55
105 Nathan Page (Creation Signs) 6.02
106 Rodney Weiberg (Southern Institute Of Technology) 6.11
107 James Fairweather (Cycle Surgery) 6.15
108 Cory Greenberg (Now-MS Society) 6.18
109 Chris O'connor (Cycle Surgery) 6.50
110 Brian Briggs (Riverside Rentals) 7.38
111 Josh Page (Preston Russell Law) 7.56
112 Adam Coker (Share The Road) 9.14
113 Peter Rennie (Now-MS Society) 10.13
114 Garth Cooper (South West Helicopters) 12.22
DNS Adam Semple (Calder Stewart)
General Classification after Stage 2
1 Jeremy Yates (Subway-Avanti) 2.16.10
2 Heath Blackgrove (Colourplus) 0.25
3 Glen Chadwick (Raboplus) 0.29
4 Aaron Strong (Ascot Park Hotel) 0.34
5 James Williamson (Subway-Avanti) 0.38
6 Hayden Roulston (The Southland Times-Trek) 0.44
7 Philip Schnyder (Kia Motors) 0.50
8 Dominique Rollin (Delmaine R&R) 0.59
9 Eric Drower (Cycle Surgery) 1.00
10 Michael Grabinger (Hilo Decorating Ltd) 1.14
11 Joseph Cooper (Subway-Avanti) 1.17
12 Blair Martin (Creation Signs) 1.18
13 Justin England (Colourplus) 1.22
14 George Bennett (Kia Motors) 1.39
15 Roman Van Uden (Share The Road) 1.43
16 Elliot Crowther (Ascot Park Hotel) 1.44
17 Ashley Whitehead (Delmaine R&R) 1.49
18 Benjamin King (Calder Stewart) 1.52
19 Shem Roger (Raboplus) 1.57
20 Mathew Gorter (Powernet) 1.59
21 Gordon Mccauley (Cycle Surgery) 2.01
22 Andrew Crawley (Creation Signs) 2.08
23 Alex Meenhorst (Kia Motors) 2.10
24 Matthew Marshall (South West Helicopters) 2.14
25 Mike Northey (Ascot Park Hotel) 2.17
26 Paul Odlin (The Southland Times-Trek) 2.19
27 Josh Barley (Fulton Hogan) 2.21
28 Michael Stallard (Powernet) 2.22
29 Jack Bauer (Fulton Hogan) 2.24
30 Matt Sillars (Delmaine R&R) 2.28
31 Brett Dawber (Winton's Middle Pub) 2.30
32 Peter Latham (Raboplus)
33 Justin Kerr (Raboplus) 2.37
34 Brett Tivers (Preston Russell Law) 2.42
35 Brock Roberts (Preston Russell Law) 2.43
36 Jesse Sergent (Subway-Avanti)
37 Mark Langlands (Delmaine R&R) 2.45
38 Richard Rollinson (Energy Smart) 2.55
39 Michael Torckler (The Southland Times-Trek) 2.56
40 Alex Malone (Creation Signs) 2.57
41 David Evans (Creation Signs) 2.58
42 Alex Mcgregor (Calder Stewart) 3.01
43 Ryan Wills (Share The Road) 3.09
44 Tom Scully (Cycle Surgery) 3.12
45 Sam King-Turner (Delmaine R&R) 3.13
46 Stephen Elden (Preston Russell Law) 3.18
47 Charles Dionne (Hilo Decorating Ltd)
48 Nick Longrove (Hudson Gavin Martin) 3.24
49 Nic Atkinson (Energy Smart)
50 Dennis Farrell (Energy Smart) 3.26
51 Robin Reid (Raboplus)
52 Will Dickeson (Kia Motors) 3.28
53 Samuel Eadie (Kia Motors) 3.29
54 Chris Sanson (Winton's Middle Pub) 3.36
55 Bradley Aldrich (Sycamore Print) 3.45
56 Jonathon Atkinson (Riverside Rentals) 3.48
57 Andrew Eagles (Hudson Gavin Martin) 3.51
58 Andy Mcnab (Sycamore Print) 3.53
59 Marc Ryan (Colourplus) 3.56
60 Westley Gough (Colourplus) 3.59
61 Andrew Phillips (Energy Smart) 4.00
62 Chuck Coyle (Hilo Decorating Ltd)
63 Scott Rainsford (Fulton Hogan) 4.05
64 Alan Williams (Riverside Rentals) 4.07
65 Brad Carter (Calder Stewart) 4.18
66 Brad Hall (Preston Russell Law)
67 James Gibson (Winton's Middle Pub) 4.20
68 Latham Croft (Sycamore Print) 4.22
69 Tyler Locke (Now-MS Society) 4.23
70 Alexander Ray (Sycamore Print) 4.34
71 David Ayre (Winton's Middle Pub) 4.35
72 Colin Robertson (Energy Smart) 4.44
73 Aaron Lawson (Share The Road) 4.50
74 Leon Hextall (Winton's Middle Pub) 4.52
75 Tim Pearce (Southern Institute Of Technology)
76 Bevan Mason (Ascot Park Hotel) 4.57
77 Joel Pearson (Powernet) 4.59
78 Paul Winterbourne (Powernet) 5.11
79 James Mccoy (Calder Stewart) 5.15
80 Kirk O'bee (Hilo Decorating Ltd)
81 Nico De Jong (Hudson Gavin Martin) 5.23
82 Alasdair Dempsey (Fulton Hogan) 5.28
83 Jamie Whyte (Hudson Gavin Martin)
84 Matt Douglas (Southern Institute Of Technology) 5.34
85 Jeremy Meech (Hudson Gavin Martin) 5.38
86 Colin Cornberg (Riverside Rentals) 5.39
87 Jonty Taylor (Southern Institute Of Technology) 5.52
88 Hayden Godfrey (Subway-Avanti) 5.53
89 Sheldon Gorter (Southern Institute Of Technology) 6.03
90 Clinton Avery (Ascot Park Hotel) 6.13
91 John Alabaster (Powernet) 6.14
92 Travis Kane (South West Helicopters) 6.17
93 Nathan Page (Creation Signs) 6.24
94 Mark Matthews (South West Helicopters) 6.25
95 Sheldon Deeny (Now-MS Society)
96 James Fairweather (Cycle Surgery)
97 Winston Biggs (Riverside Rentals) 6.37
98 Matt Gilbert (Share The Road) 6.39
99 Shane Melrose (The Southland Times-Trek)
100 Aaron Schneider (Now-MS Society) 6.49
101 Simon Croom (South West Helicopters) 6.59
102 Logan Hutchings (Colourplus) 7.05
103 Sam Bewley (The Southland Times-Trek) 7.07
104 Cory Greenberg (Now-MS Society) 7.12
105 Rodney Weiberg (Southern Institute Of Technology) 7.13
106 Tim Hargrave (Fulton Hogan) 7.19
107 Omer Kem (Hilo Decorating Ltd) 7.43
108 Chris O'connor (Cycle Surgery) 8.02
109 Brian Briggs (Riverside Rentals) 8.41
110 Adam Coker (Share The Road) 9.59
111 Daniel Seagar (Sycamore Print) 10.48
112 Peter Rennie (Now-MS Society) 11.07
113 Josh Page (Preston Russell Law) 12.33
114 Garth Cooper (South West Helicopters) 13.46
Sprint classification
1 Joel Pearson (Powernet) 23 pts
2 Roman Van Uden (Share The Road) 19
3 Dominique Rollin (Delmaine R&R) 17
4 Jonathon Atkinson (Riverside Rentals) 10
5 David Ayre (Winton's Middle Pub) 3
Mountains classification
1 Jeremy Yates (Subway-Avanti) 10 pts
2 Roman Van Uden (Share The Road) 6
3 Glen Chadwick (Raboplus) 4
4 Aaron Strong (Ascot Park Hotel) 2
5 Heath Blackgrove (Colourplus) 2
Team classification
1 Subway-Avanti 6.50.31
2 Ascot Park Hotel 2.36
3 Kia Motors 2.38
4 Raboplus 2.59
5 Delmaine R&R 3.18
6 Colourplus 3.42
7 The Southland Times-Trek 3.58
8 Cycle Surgery 4.12
9 Creation Signs 4.22
10 Hilo Decorating Ltd 6.15
11 Preston Russell Law 6.42
12 Fulton Hogan 6.49
13 Calder Stewart 7.10
14 Powernet 7.21
15 Share The Road 7.42
16 Energy Smart 7.44
17 Winton's Middle Pub 8.22
18 Sycamore Print 9.59
19 Hudson Gavin Martin 10.37
20 Riverside Rentals 11.24
21 South West Helicopters 12.55
22 Southern Inst. Of Technology 14.17
23 Now-MS Society 15.36