1st Joshua Carter ABD Cycle Club 40
2nd Ronald Strange Ten Speed Drive/ BH Bicycles 34
3rd Andrew Wilson Big Ring Racing 29
4th William Ross Team Hotel San Jose 25
5th Bryan Fawley Dallas Racing 21
6th Sol Ethan Frost Austinbikes/Revenant 18
7th John Cody Solar Eclipse 15
8th Phil Wikoff Super Squadra 13
9th Radames Trevino 12
10th Chris Prince Bike Barn (Texas) 11
11th John Trujillo Gulf Coast Cycling Association 10
12th Collin Davis Matrix Cycling Club 9
13th Henk Calderon M7 Racing 8
14th Mathew Davis Team LaS'port 7
15th Jordan Smothermon Austinbikes/Revenant 6
16th Patrick Rabice Team Six 5
17th Marc Bergeron Velossimo Racing 4
18th Matt Seagrave Richmond Pro Cycling 3
19th Zachary Lytle Bicycle-Heaven 2
20th Wesley Mundy Bicycle-Heaven 1
21st Draye Redfern Velossimo Racing
22nd Daniel Carruthers
23rd Colton Jarisch Velossimo Racing
24th Jason Ham Team LaS'port
25th mike lalla
26th Gilberto Porras
27th Travis Burandt Ten Speed Drive/ BH Bicycles
28th Ian Dille Super Squadra
29th Mario Pena Nader
30th Tucker Gerald
31st Oliver Stock
32nd Brant Speed Austin Flyers
33rd Chad Haga
34th Frank Karbarz Gulf Coast Cycling Association
35th Kurt Bickel Joes Pro Bikes
36th Erick Benz Team at&t-Brain and Spine Cycling
37th Karl Kupecz Velossimo Racing
38th Christopher Trickey Austin Nationals Cycling
39th Thomas Kubicek Sugar Cycles
40th Kevin Barton Joes Pro Bikes
41st Aaron Sinclair Gulf Coast Cycling Association
42nd Colt Trant Matrix Cycling Club
43rd Christopher Hamilton Mirage
44th John McAllister Velossimo Racing
45th Robert Kane Bicycle-Heaven
45th Jeremey Thomson Sugar Cycles
47th Fred (Robbie) Robinette Team at&t-Brain and Spine Cycling
48th Eric Burkhart Solar Eclipse
49th Todd Burgess Joes Pro Bikes
50th Christopher Lutz Bicycle-Heaven
51st Jed Rogers Gulf Coast Cycling Association
52nd Alexander Gilliam Team at&t-Brain and Spine Cycling
53rd Michael Carey FCS Cycling Club
54th ara oggoian
55th Patrick Marr Team LaS'port
56th Scott Veggeberg GS Tenzing
57th Kevin Kremke Bike Barn (Texas)
58th John Woodson Geri Atrix
59th Evan Lambert Austinbikes/Revenant
60th Eric Warnsman Solar Eclipse