1 41 BROWN, Graeme Canton 54:01
2 61 MEYER, Travis Plan B ST
3 16 REPACHOLI, Douglas Team Budget Forklifts ST
4 14 LANG, Richard Team Budget Forklifts ST
5 52 HARRY, Darren Atomic Brooks ST
6 65 GIACOPPO, Anthony Plan B ST
7 155 BARENDILLA, Carlo ST
8 46 FITZGERALD, Mike Canton ST
9 21 BLEEKER, Ashley TKM Slattery ST
10 152 THOMPSON, Peter ST
11 146 VOGELS, Leon ST
12 62 SEMPLE, Adam Plan B ST
13 32 BENSON, Mitch Cyclemania ST
14 11 ENGLAND, Michael Team Budget Forklifts ST
15 105 OLIPHANT, Evan Ecosse ST
16 106 MCCALLUM, James Ecosse ST
17 5 HEDLEY, Steve Arbitrage ST
18 31 SIME, Andrew Cyclemania ST
19 91 ATKIN, Nick Aussie Crates ST
20 22 STEPHENS, Reece TKM Slattery ST
21 45 DAVIS, Sam Canton ST
22 51 O'BRIEN, Paidi Atomic Brooks ST
23 25 LESTER, Cam TKM Slattery ST
24 33 EVANS, Karl Cyclemania ST
25 63 HALL, Bradeley Plan B ST
26 42 JONES, Nathan Canton ST
27 54 HARDY, Luke Atomic Brooks ST
= 151 GRIFFIN, Peter ST
29 56 HAPLIN, Steven Atomic Brooks ST
= 71 ROBSON, Bradley Team Scody ST
= 1 VERHEYAN, Mike Arbitrage ST
= 12 HERZIG, Peter Team Budget Forklifts ST
= 64 WELLS, Elliott Plan B ST
= 13 JENNINGS, Cameron Team Budget Forklifts ST
35 81 BERRY, Sam Team Scody +01:20
= 53 BRIELY, Andrew Atomic Brooks ST
= 43 CURETON, Ben Canton ST
= 72 HOWARD, Blake Team Scody ST
= 35 PATTISON, Riley Cyclemania ST
= 26 PAYNE, Stu TKM Slattery ST
= 3 SCHNITZERLING, Brett Arbitrage ST
= 23 STRACHAN, Joel TKM Slattery ST
43 44 BROOKS, Russell Canton +02:40
= 6 CAMPBELL, Jack Arbitrage ST
= 92 CULDER, Logan Aussie Crates ST
= 149 DEVER, Rowan ST
= 145 PETERSEN, Adrian ST
= 2 IRVINE, Matt Arbitrage ST
= 148 JOHNS, Craig ST
= 94 LAFLEUR, Dimitri Aussie Crates ST
= 96 ROBERTSON, Darren Aussie Crates ST
= 4 WIBBERLEY, Ben Arbitrage ST
Place Race No UCI Code Name Team Gap
= 66 GILL, Patrick Plan B ST
54 95 BURTON, Rowan Aussie Crates +04:00
= 55 CHALWASKI, Tegue Atomic Brooks ST
= 93 GILLESPIE, Roy Aussie Crates ST
= 82 GRAHAM-DAWSON, Nick Team Scody ST
= 36 JOYCE, Luke Cyclemania ST
= 99 LEUNG PAUL SZETO, Hin Xspeed Sport Club ST
= 100 LIU, Heng Xspeed Sport Club ST
= 74 LORD, Ben Team Scody ST
= 97 MING TAM, Tsun Xspeed Sport Club ST
= 150 NICHOL, Brendan ST
= 154 PASSMORE, Stuart ST
= 24 SLATTERY, Josh TKM Slattery ST
= 98 TUNG HO, Kam Xspeed Sport Club ST
= 153 UPTON, Matt ST
= 34 VAN DER WALT, Robert Cyclemania ST
= 73 YUSOP, Reduan Team Scody ST
Riders Abandoning Race
15 LEOCKE, Deon Team Budget Forklifts DNS
Riders Abandoning Race
147 BEECK, Chris SCR
Number of Starters: 69
Riders finishing out of time limits: 0
Riders abandoning the race: 2