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Nationalt mesterskab, Landevej, Linieløb, Juniorer, Den Dominikanske Republik 2010
1 205 William Guzman DOM19920426 Leon Ureña (Moca)
2 104 Carlos Lorenzo DOM19921227 San Cristobal
3 208 Enmanuel Fernandez DOM19931101 Arco Iris
4 78 Rikelvin Montero DOM19920819 Titanes (San Juan de la M.)
5 211 Ramon Maria Checo DOM19920910 Mauricio Baez
6 210 Raffi Guerrero DOM19920810 Mauricio Baez
7 79 Jean Gonzalez DOM19920826 San Cristobal
8 77 Juan Jose Cueto DOM19920526 Titanes (San Juan de la M.)
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