Solo Culverdon Springs Murchison FINISH
1 13:07 David Ayre 2:45 6:15 8:30 13:07
2 13:15 Shane Aitken 2:45 6:15 8:24 13:15
3 15:28 Paul Michell Team Fast 2:45 6:42 9:39 15:28
4 16:09 Al Rynn Team Peugeot '84 7:27 10:59 16:09
5 18:13 Timothy Hargrave 2:45 18:13
1 13:12 Village Idiots Brent Sturm 2:45 6:15 8:42 13:12
Pete Rickards
Peter King
2 13:20 Team Tineli Tim Vincent 2:45 6:15 8:24 13:20
Daniel Vincent
3 13:47 Team Cooper Webley Brent Daniel 8:52 13:47
Robbie Hill
Noel Tait
4 13:52 Team Nige and Caitlin Nigel Burgess 2:45 6:40 9:05 13:52
Caitlin Miles
5 13:55 Steam train Gaz Johnson 2:45 6:25 9:10 13:55
Steve Glasgow
6 16:14 Team Nelson Alarms Pete Laing 3:14 7:32 10:21 16:14
Hamish Nankivell
Richie Brewerton
Paul Howes
7 18:27 The Sunshine Girls Marie Lenting 3:46 8:51 12:06 18:27
Sue Daniels
Mary Caldwell
Tandem Teams
1 12:53 Stoke Cycle Slugs Mike Gane 2:45 6:15 8:30 12:53
Simon Bloomberg
Aaron McGowan
Mike Booker
Chris Heywood
Julie Fry