1 71.27 Luke Keough (1 - Pro) Sandwich, MA 229135 55 Team Mountain Khakis/SmartStop
[2nd Place] 2 Alexander Serebryakov 108 Team Type 1 SANOFI
[3rd Place] 3 Demis Aleman 2 Jamis Sutter Home
[Team 3rd Place] 4 77.30 Alejandro Borrajo (2 - Pro) Lemon Grove, CA 288134 13 Jamis Sutter Home
5 79.30 Sterling Magnell (3 - Pro) Santa Rosa, CA 120588 67 Wonderful Pistachios Professional Cycling Team
[Team 2nd Place] 6 Aldo Ino Ilesic 50 Team Type 1 SANOFI
7 Deivy Capellan 128
8 Anuar Manan 68 Champion System Pro Cycling Team
9 87.34 Colin Jaskiewicz (1 - Cat1) Montclair, NJ 218049 52 Champion System p/b Stan's NoTubes/CRCA
10 Rafael A. Meran 77 CRCA/Foundation
11 Euris R. Vidal 118 CRCA/Foundation
12 93.36 Carlos Alzate Escobar (2 - Cat1) Boise, ID 334672 7 Team Exergy
13 95.37 Jeremy Durrin (3 - Cat1) Amherst, MA 250645 32 J.A.M. Fund / NCC
14 Augusto Sanchez 104
15 99.39 Stalin Quiterio Cuello (4 - Cat1) Somerville, NJ 307825 93 Team Somerville Bicycle Shop
16 101.40 Anthony Lowe (5 - Cat1) Brooklyn, NY 193990 64 WS United/MangoSeed/Lucarelli&Castaldi
17 103.41 Michael Busa (6 - Cat1) Northampton, MA 94892 22 J.A.M. Fund / NCC
18 105.42 Aaron Hubbell (7 - Cat1) Durham, NH 54434 48 Bissell-ABG-NUVO
19 107.42 Adam Pantastico (8 - Cat1) Cranford, NJ 27167 89 Metra/Cycle 54 Cycling Team
20 109.43 David Martin (9 - Cat1) Morristown , NJ 81521 70 Metra / Cycles 54 cycling team
21 111.44 Rafal Urzedowski (10 - Cat1) Woodbridge, NJ 65744 116 Northeastern Hardware / CJCT
22 113.45 Skip Foley (11 - Cat1) Still River, MA 55755 129 ATA Cyclery
23 115.46 John Durso (12 - Cat1) Morris Plains, NJ 53502 33 Colavita Racing
24 117.47 Nick Keough (13 - Cat1) Sandwich, MA 203439 56 www.keoughcyclocross.com
25 119.47 Adam Farabaugh (14 - Cat1) Owego Ny 238217 39 XO COMMUNICATIONS p/b CISCO
26 121.48 Jesse Keough (15 - Cat1) Sandwich, MA 229606 54 www.keoughcyclocross.com
27 123.49 Timothy Rugg (16 - Cat1) Washington, DC 280764 102 Champion System p/b Stan's NoTubes/CRCA
[Team 2nd Place] 28 David Lozano 65 Team Type 1 SANOFI
29 127.51 Eric Workowski (17 - Cat1) Kutztown, PA 103440 125 Fuji
30 Kevin Massicotte 73 NATIVO CONCEPT
31 131.53 Anthony Taylor (18 - Cat1) Brooklyn, NY 47684 114 CRCA / Dave Jordan Coaching- Leopard Cycles.com
32 Matteo Dal-Cin 28 Ride With Rendall
33 135.54 Maurice Gamanho (19 - Cat1) Lebanon, NJ 218359 41 Van Dessel Factory Team
34 137.55 Luciano Bezerra (20 - Cat1) Bridgeport, CT 275915 12 navone studios/greenwood floors
35 139.56 Joe Whitman (21 - Cat1) State College, PA 177933 121 Stan's NoTubes / AXA Equitable
36 Michael Larsen 130 Full Circle Cycling
37 143.58 Elvi Rodriguez Garcia (22 - Cat1) Somerville, NJ 309642 98 Team Somerville Bicycle Shop
38 145.59 S Charles Zamastil (23 - Cat1) Philadelphia, PA 275731 126 160over90 p.b. Vie 13/QCW
39 147.59 John Shalekbriski (24 - Cat1) Enid , OK 259043 109 US Military Cycling
40 Matthias Friedemann 40 Champion System Pro Cycling Team
41 Glen Rendall 95 Ride with Rendall
42 153.62 Allan Rego (25 - Cat1) New York, NY 274367 94 Champion System p/b Stan's NoTubes/CRCA
43 155.63 Ryan Shebelsky (26 - Cat1) Elizabethtown, PA 274785 110 Team Alliance Environmental
44 157.64 Jason Meidhof (27 - Cat1) Bethesda, MD 143088 74 Clean Currents p/b Beyer Kia
45 159.65 Victor Riquelme (4 - Pro) Tucson, AZ 282338 96 Wonderful Pistachios Pro Cycling
46 161.65 Stephan Dioslaki (28 - Cat1) Wayne, NJ 57164 31 Metra/Cycles 54 Cycling Team
47 Anthony Rodriguez Morel 99 Team Somerville Bicycle Shop
48 165.67 Michael Jasinski (29 - Cat1) Rocklin, CA 269476 51 Wonderful Pistachios Pro Cycling
49 167.68 Barry Miller (30 - Cat1) Kutztown, PA 197897 78 Pure Energy Cycling-ProAirHFA
50 169.69 Anthony Alessio (31 - Cat1) Beacon Falls, CT 146429 3 International Christian Cycling Club
51 Noe Gianetti 43 Team Exergy
52 173.71 Sean Melcher (32 - Cat1) Basking Ridge, NJ 225383 75 Northeastern Hardware/CJCT
53 175.71 Scott Savory (33 - Cat1) South Ozone Park, NY 297263 105 G.S Mengoni USA
54 177.72 Ben Chaddock Walla Walla, WA 261002 23 Team Exergy
55 179.73 Ryan Mele (34 - Cat1) Washington, PA 158772 76 Stan's NoTubes / AXA Equitable
56 181.74 Thomas Gibbons Linwood, NJ 346994 44
57 183.75 Rod Myers (35 - Cat1) Etters, PA 25626 80 Phenix Velo CLub / World Cup SKi & Cycle
58 Olivier Delaney 29 Ride with Rendall
59 187.77 Todd Scheske (36 - Cat1) Rochester, NY 50510 106 MVP Health Care Cycling
60 189.77 Gilberth Gomez Valverde (37 - Cat1) Somerville, NJ 260034 45 Team Somerville Bicycle Shop
61 191.78 Ricky Gargiulo (38 - Cat1) Summit, NJ 231560 42 Champion System p/b Stan's NoTubes/CRCA
62 193.79 John Loehner (39 - Cat1) New York, NY 47769 63 Stan's NoTubes / AXA Equitable
63 195.80 Steven Ward (40 - Cat1) Denville, NJ 52604 120 Colavita Racing Team
64 Casey Roth 101 Ride With Rendall
65 199.82 Russell Brown (41 - Cat1) Gaithersburg, MD 222506 15 XO COMMUNICATIONS p/b CISCO
66 201.83 Nikolai Masluk (42 - Cat1) Middletown, NJ 237187 71 Metra/Cycles 54 Cycling Team
67 203.83 Franklin Burgos (43 - Cat1) North Bergen, NJ 258520 18 james vincent Bicycles/ jv Racing
68 205.84 Jared Nieters (44 - Cat1) Haymarket, VA 220150 84 XO COMMUNICATIONS p/b CISCO
69 207.85 Peter Bell (45 - Cat1) Cambridge, MA 199984 10 MetLife - NorEast Cycling
70 209.86 Gabe Lloyd (46 - Cat1) Kutztown, PA 202639 62 XO COMMUNICATIONS p/b CISCO
71 211.87 Guillaume Nelessen (47 - Cat1) Lambertville, NJ 151319 83 Van Dessel Factory Team
[Team 3rd Place] 72 213.88 Fernando Antogna Northvale, NJ 334074 8 Jamis Sutter Home
[Team 2nd Place] 73 Alexey Schmidt 107 Team Type 1 SANOFI
74 217.89 Mark Light (48 - Cat1) Hackettstown, NJ 112548 61 Liberty Cycle
75 219.90 Paul Chooweenam Ozone Park, NY 157345 26 team alanis/team alanis
76 Kiernan Orange 87 Ride With Rendall
77 223.92 Juan Carlos Polanco (49 - Cat1) Tenafly, NJ 345430 91 Strictly Bicycles
78 Aaron Kemps 53 Champion System Pro Cycling Team
79 227.94 Gavriel Epstein (50 - Cat1) Englewood, NJ 179451 37 Champion System p/b Stan's NoTubes/CRCA
80 Brandon Zavala 127
81 231.95 Jamie Clinton (51 - Cat1) Columbia, PA 288056 27 Team Alliance Environmental
82 233.96 Michael Rosenhaus (52 - Cat1) Morristown, NJ 45870 132 Central Jersey Cycling Team
83 235.97 Nima Ebrahimnejad (53 - Cat1) Purcellville, VA 10417 34 Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV
84 237.98 Bobby Lea (54 - Cat1) Mertztown, PA 65819 60 Pure Energy-ProAirHFA
85 Steven Wong 124 Champion System Pro Cycling Team
86 242.00 Jermaine Burrowes (55 - Cat1) Brooklyn, NY 164040 20 WS UNITED/ MANGO SEED RESTAURANT/Lucarelli & Castaldi
[Team 1st Place] 87 244.00 Clay Murfet Tasmania 247737 79 Team Mountain Khakis/SmartStop
88 246.01 Ryan Dewald (56 - Cat1) Mount Penn, PA 89187 30 XO COMMUNICATIONS p/b CISCO
[Team 1st Place] 89 248.02 Shane Kline (5 - Pro) Bally, PA 192584 58 Team Mountain Khakis/SmartStop
[Team 2nd Place] 90 250.03 Martijn Verschoor Cumming, GA 309416 117 Team Type 1 SANOFI
91 Jaan Kirsipuu 57 Champion System Pro Cycling Team
92 254.05 Michael Chauner (57 - Cat1) West Chester, PA 178966 24 Pure Energy Cycling/Pro AIR HFA
[Team 2nd Place] 93 Charles Eldridge 35 Team Type 1 SANOFI
[Team 1st Place] 94 258.06 Adam Myerson (6 - Pro) Dorchester, MA 52534 81 Team Mountain Khakis/SmartStop
[Team 1st Place] 95 260.07 Neil Bezdek (7 - Pro) Centennial, CO 276693 11 Team Mountain Khakis/SmartStop
96 262.08 Alejandro Guzman (58 - Cat1) New York, NY 238008 46 CRCA/Foundation
97 264.09 Austin Roach (59 - Cat1) Princeton, NJ 255885 97 MetLife - NorEast Cycling
98 266.10 Nicholas Rogers (60 - Cat1) Philadelphia, PA 290087 100 160over90 p.b. Vie 13/QCW