Daniel was the 5th, Fengkuanjie was the 6th, Huhao was the 7th, Yangjiajie was the 8th, Liumin was the 9th.
TRIACE was the team winner, 29 hours 56 minutes 41 seconds. KUNG was the second, 30 hours 4 minutes 57 seconds. Xinjiang Pangda team was the third.
The last stage was cross country race in Bole. One round was 6KM, the riders needed to ride 11 rounds. The 3rd round, the 6th round and the 9th round were the sprint rounds. Fengkuanjie(TRIACE) got 5 points in the 3rd round, Fengkuangao passed the sprint points of the 6th round and the 9th round first.