1 2 O Brien,Paidi DMA Dan Morrissey Speedy 2h08'01"
2 65 Whorrell,Chris IOA Isle of Man A 2h08'01"
3 56 Fitzgerald,Mehall WWE Worldwide Cycles 2h08'01"
4 34 Collis,Con UCD UCD 2h08'02" @01"
5 36 Kennedy,Paul MNY McNally Swords 2h08'02" @ s/t
6 1 Lacey,Sean DMA Dan Morrissey Speedy 2h08'02" @ s/t
7 69 Kelly,Robin WTD Waterford Racing 2h08'02" @ s/t
8 92 McLoughlin,Brendan BNY Blarney CC 2h08'02" @ s/t
9 3 Fenlon,Joe DMA Dan Morrissey Speedy 2h08'02" @ s/t
10 93 Twohig,Barry BNY Blarney CC 2h08'02" @ s/t
11 67 Garry,Robin IOB Isle of Man B 2h08'02" @ s/t
12 73 Walsh,David WTD Waterford Racing 2h08'02" @ s/t
13 61 Maher,Eoin CMH Comeragh CC 2h08'02" @ s/t
14 68 Kelly,Jake IOB Isle of Man B 2h08'07" @06"
15 20 Clarke,Patrick TRA Terra Footwear 2h08'07" @ s/t
16 53 Hart,Brian LMK Limerick CC 2h08'07" @ s/t
17 64 Livsey,Aaron IOA Isle of Man A 2h08'07" @ s/t
18 103 Slattery,Matt KNY Killarney CC 2h08'07" @ s/t
19 44 Gibson,Francis SDN South Dublin CC 2h08'07" @ s/t
20 23 Hennessy,Michael FER Fermoy CC 2h08'07" @ s/t
21 74 Sherlock,Ryan CYS Cycleways 2h08'07" @ s/t
22 63 Bell,Darren IOA Isle of Man A 2h08'07" @ s/t
23 41 Mortimer,Darragh CLA Cycling Leinster A 2h08'07" @ s/t
24 21 Clarke,Ciaran CLR Castlebar CC 2h08'07" @ s/t
25 10 Clancy,Stephen DMB Dan Morrissey B 2h08'07" @ s/t
26 25 Doyle,Paul FER Fermoy CC 2h08'07" @ s/t
27 83 Whelan,William GLE Galtee Wheelers 2h08'07" @ s/t
28 48 Rigley,Shaun LRD Leinster Development 2h08'07" @ s/t
29 7 Butler,Michael DMG Visit Nenagh Team DMG 2h08'07" @ s/t
30 101 Bruton,Danny DID DID Dunboyne 2h08'07" @ s/t
31 90 O Mahoney,Michael BNY Blarney CC 2h08'07" @ s/t
32 86 O Donovan,Ryan FFC Finance First Cork Co 2h08'07" @ s/t
33 104 Rimmer,Peter LKE Lakeside Wheelers 2h08'07" @ s/t
34 49 Arrigan,Craig LRD Leinster Development 2h08'07" @ s/t
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Suir Valley 3 Day 2012
35 70 Gunning,Mark WTD Waterford Racing 2h08'14" @13"
36 28 O Neill,Aodh U/A U/A 2h08'14" @ s/t
37 57 Robinson,Trevor CMH Comeragh CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
38 22 Barrett,Olan FER Fermoy CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
39 11 O Sullivan,Vince DMB Dan Morrissey B 2h08'14" @ s/t
40 13 Hartnett,Eamon NTW North Tipp Wheelers 2h08'14" @ s/t
41 66 Creegan,Jonathon IOA Isle of Man A 2h08'14" @ s/t
42 38 Power,Mark DUN Dungarvan CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
43 45 Lyons,John Paul SDN South Dublin CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
44 59 Lavery,Thomas CMH Comeragh CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
45 39 Reilly,Chris CLA Cycling Leinster A 2h08'14" @ s/t
46 32 Morton,Eoin UCD UCD 2h08'14" @ s/t
47 85 Long,Bryan FFC Finance First Cork Co 2h08'14" @ s/t
48 55 Greene,Eoin CML Clonmel CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
49 58 Conlon,Ger CMH Comeragh CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
50 77 Lucey,Michael CYS Cycleways 2h08'14" @ s/t
51 37 Byrne,Gerry BRW Barrow Weelers 2h08'14" @ s/t
52 60 Power,Finbarr CMH Comeragh CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
53 79 Johnson,Cathal SDN South Dublin CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
54 40 Richardson,Ian CLA Cycling Leinster A 2h08'14" @ s/t
55 42 Connolly,Enda CLA Cycling Leinster A 2h08'14" @ s/t
56 35 Walsh,Anthony UCD UCD 2h08'14" @ s/t
57 16 Fox,Keith SHA Shannonside CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
58 102 Carroll,Johnny DID DID Dunboyne 2h08'14" @ s/t
59 88 Mizgajski,Martin IVK Iverk Carrick Wheeler 2h08'14" @ s/t
60 31 Cassidy,Colm UCD UCD 2h08'14" @ s/t
61 91 Forrest,Robert BNY Blarney CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
62 52 Dunworth,Joseph LMK Limerick CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
63 30 Lawlor,Maurice FIN St. Finbarrs 2h08'14" @ s/t
64 95 Dempsey,Greg BRW Barrow Weelers 2h08'14" @ s/t
65 99 Meehan,Andrew DID DID Dunboyne 2h08'14" @ s/t
66 98 O Muire,Fiachra DID DID Dunboyne 2h08'14" @ s/t
67 19 Sheahy,Thomas TBC Tralee BC 2h08'14" @ s/t
68 81 Roche,Damien CLA West Clare CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
69 43 Whiting,Daniel CLA Cycling Leinster A 2h08'14" @ s/t
70 76 Prendergast,Charles CYS Cycleways 2h08'14" @ s/t
71 87 Keneally,Pat IVK Iverk Carrick Wheeler 2h08'14" @ s/t
72 29 O Mahoney,David BLA Blarney CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
73 14 Rohan,Paddy NTW North Tipp Wheelers 2h08'14" @ s/t
74 94 Doyle,Mick BRW Barrow Weelers 2h08'14" @ s/t
75 105 Murray,John LKE Lakeside Wheelers 2h08'14" @ s/t
76 89 Williams,Michael BNY Blarney CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
77 33 Brookfield,Mike UCD UCD 2h08'14" @ s/t
78 80 Storan,Michael CLA West Clare CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
79 18 Horgan,Barry TBC Tralee BC 2h08'14" @ s/t
80 4 Fitzgerald,Michael DMA Dan Morrissey Speedy 2h08'14" @ s/t
81 106 O Connell,John MLN Midleton CC 2h08'14" @ s/t
82 51 Doherty,Padraig LRD Leinster Development 2h08'14" @ s/t
83 9 Ryan,Simon DMG Visit Nenagh Team DMG 2h08'28" @27"
84 72 O Donoghue,Shane WTD Waterford Racing 2h08'28" @ s/t
85 62 Baxter,Elliot IOA Isle of Man A 2h08'28" @ s/t
86 47 O Leary,Neil LRD Leinster Development 2h08'28" @ s/t
87 84 Moore,Ger FFC Finance First Cork Co 2h09'32" @01'31"
88 50 Wall,Aidan LRD Leinster Development 2h09'32" @ s/t
89 12 McCarthy,David DMB Dan Morrissey B 2h18'25" @10'24"
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Suir Valley 3 Day 2012
Non starters/finishers/eliminated Riders
Did Not Finish: 6-Gibson.J, 24-Redmond.I, 46-Lattimore.J, 82-O
Did Not Start: 8-Hooton.R, 71-De Leaster.P
General Classification
PL No. UCI Code Name CAT Team GC Time @
1 1 Lacey,Sean 1 Dan Morrissey Sp 5h06'26"
2 74 Sherlock,Ryan 1 Cycleways 5h06'27" @01"
3 63 Bell,Darren 1 Isle of Man A 5h06'37" @11"
4 93 Twohig,Barry 2 Blarney CC 5h06'56" @30"
5 34 Collis,Con 2 UCD 5h06'58" @32"
6 20 Clarke,Patrick 1 Terra Footwear 5h07'03" @37"
7 23 Hennessy,Michael 1 Fermoy CC 5h07'04" @38"
8 88 Mizgajski,Martin 1 Iverk Carrick Wh 5h07'10" @44"
9 31 Cassidy,Colm 1 UCD 5h07'25" @59"
10 32 Morton,Eoin 2 UCD 5h07'28" @01'02"
11 65 Whorrell,Chris 2 Isle of Man A 5h07'58" @01'32"
12 2 O Brien,Paidi 1 Dan Morrissey Sp 5h08'18" @01'52"
13 66 Creegan,Jonathon 2 Isle of Man A 5h08'22" @01'56"
14 68 Kelly,Jake 3 Isle of Man B 5h08'24" @01'58"
15 101 Bruton,Danny 3 DID Dunboyne 5h08'24" = s/t
16 3 Fenlon,Joe 1 Dan Morrissey Sp 5h08'32" @02'06"
17 49 Arrigan,Craig 3 Leinster Develop 5h08'32" = s/t
18 104 Rimmer,Peter 2 Lakeside Wheeler 5h08'32" = s/t
19 103 Slattery,Matt 1 Killarney CC 5h08'37" @02'11"
20 80 Storan,Michael 1 West Clare CC 5h08'37" = s/t
21 28 O Neill,Aodh 3 U/A 5h08'39" @02'13"
22 85 Long,Bryan 3 Finance First Co 5h08'39" = s/t
23 44 Gibson,Francis 2 South Dublin CC 5h08'44" @02'18"
24 35 Walsh,Anthony 1 UCD 5h08'44" = s/t
25 16 Fox,Keith 1 Shannonside CC 5h08'44" = s/t
26 98 O Muire,Fiachra 1 DID Dunboyne 5h08'44" = s/t
27 40 Richardson,Ian 1 Cycling Leinster 5h08'51" @02'25"
28 62 Baxter,Elliot 1 Isle of Man A 5h08'58" @02'32"
29 67 Garry,Robin 2 Isle of Man B 5h09'06" @02'40"
30 21 Clarke,Ciaran 2 Castlebar CC 5h09'18" @02'52"
31 36 Kennedy,Paul 1 McNally Swords 5h09'23" @02'57"
32 4 Fitzgerald,Michael 1 Dan Morrissey Sp 5h09'25" @02'59"
33 105 Murray,John 1 Lakeside Wheeler 5h09'28" @03'02"
34 69 Kelly,Robin 1 Waterford Racing 5h10'44" @04'18"
35 73 Walsh,David 1 Waterford Racing 5h10'49" @04'23"
36 70 Gunning,Mark 2 Waterford Racing 5h10'56" @04'30"
37 38 Power,Mark 2 Dungarvan CC 5h10'58" @04'32"
38 83 Whelan,William 3 Galtee Wheelers 5h11'00" @04'34"
39 52 Dunworth,Joseph 3 Limerick CC 5h11'04" @04'38"
40 10 Clancy,Stephen 2 Dan Morrissey B 5h11'05" @04'39"
41 77 Lucey,Michael 2 Cycleways 5h11'07" @04'41"
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Suir Valley 3 Day 2012
42 18 Horgan,Barry 3 Tralee BC 5h11'07" = s/t
43 106 O Connell,John 3 Midleton CC 5h11'07" = s/t
44 7 Butler,Michael 2 Visit Nenagh Tea 5h11'09" @04'43"
45 64 Livsey,Aaron 1 Isle of Man A 5h11'10" @04'44"
46 99 Meehan,Andrew 1 DID Dunboyne 5h11'14" @04'48"
47 33 Brookfield,Mike 2 UCD 5h11'22" @04'56"
48 61 Maher,Eoin 3 Comeragh CC 5h14'02" @07'36"
49 53 Hart,Brian 2 Limerick CC 5h14'07" @07'41"
50 90 O Mahoney,Michael 2 Blarney CC 5h14'07" = s/t
51 86 O Donovan,Ryan 3 Finance First Co 5h14'07" = s/t
52 48 Rigley,Shaun 3 Leinster Develop 5h14'07" = s/t
53 42 Connolly,Enda 2 Cycling Leinster 5h14'10" @07'44"
54 57 Robinson,Trevor 3 Comeragh CC 5h14'14" @07'48"
55 37 Byrne,Gerry 3 Barrow Weelers 5h14'14" = s/t
56 58 Conlon,Ger 3 Comeragh CC 5h14'14" = s/t
57 59 Lavery,Thomas 1 Comeragh CC 5h14'14" = s/t
58 79 Johnson,Cathal 3 South Dublin CC 5h14'14" = s/t
59 30 Lawlor,Maurice 3 St. Finbarrs 5h14'14" = s/t
60 91 Forrest,Robert 3 Blarney CC 5h14'14" = s/t
61 94 Doyle,Mick 3 Barrow Weelers 5h14'14" = s/t
62 102 Carroll,Johnny 3 DID Dunboyne 5h14'14" = s/t
63 19 Sheahy,Thomas 3 Tralee BC 5h14'14" = s/t
64 43 Whiting,Daniel 1 Cycling Leinster 5h14'14" = s/t
65 14 Rohan,Paddy 3 North Tipp Wheel 5h14'14" = s/t
66 87 Keneally,Pat 3 Iverk Carrick Wh 5h14'14" = s/t
67 56 Fitzgerald,Mehall 2 Worldwide Cycles 5h14'17" @07'51"
68 81 Roche,Damien 3 West Clare CC 5h14'27" @08'01"
69 72 O Donoghue,Shane 2 Waterford Racing 5h14'28" @08'02"
70 76 Prendergast,Charles 1 Cycleways 5h14'37" @08'11"
71 84 Moore,Ger 3 Finance First Co 5h15'32" @09'06"
72 50 Wall,Aidan 3 Leinster Develop 5h15'32" = s/t
73 41 Mortimer,Darragh 2 Cycling Leinster 5h20'44" @14'18"
74 29 O Mahoney,David 2 Blarney CC 5h20'47" @14'21"
75 13 Hartnett,Eamon 3 North Tipp Wheel 5h20'51" @14'25"
76 22 Barrett,Olan 1 Fermoy CC 5h22'57" @16'31"
77 95 Dempsey,Greg 1 Barrow Weelers 5h22'57" = s/t
78 89 Williams,Michael 3 Blarney CC 5h22'57" = s/t
79 47 O Leary,Neil 2 Leinster Develop 5h27'27" @21'01"
80 39 Reilly,Chris 1 Cycling Leinster 5h28'13" @21'47"
81 45 Lyons,John Paul 2 South Dublin CC 5h32'55" @26'29"
82 12 McCarthy,David 3 Dan Morrissey B 5h33'08" @26'42"
83 9 Ryan,Simon 2 Visit Nenagh Tea 5h33'09" @26'43"
84 25 Doyle,Paul 3 Fermoy CC 5h35'52" @29'26"
85 92 McLoughlin,Brendan 1 Blarney CC 5h35'59" @29'33"
86 55 Greene,Eoin 3 Clonmel CC 5h35'59" = s/t
87 11 O Sullivan,Vince 3 Dan Morrissey B 5h36'11" @29'45"
88 51 Doherty,Padraig 3 Leinster Develop 5h49'08" @42'42"
89 60 Power,Finbarr 3 Comeragh CC 5h59'59" @53'33"
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Suir Valley 3 Day 2012
Points Competition
PL No. Name TM Pts
1 1 Lacey,S DMA 24
2 34 Collis,C UCD 20
3 65 Whorrell,C IOA 19
4 2 O Brien,P DMA 18
5 93 Twohig,B BNY 18
6 74 Sherlock,R CYS 15
Mountains Competition
PL No. Name TM Pts
1 88 Mizgajski,M IVK 54
2 20 Clarke,P TRA 32
3 63 Bell,D IOA 21
4 93 Twohig,B BNY 16
5 34 Collis,C UCD 15
6 68 Kelly,J IOB 6
Sprints Competition
PL No. Name TM Pts
1 69 Kelly,R WTD 10
2 34 Collis,C UCD 5
3 56 Fitzgerald,M WWE 4
4 65 Whorrell,C IOA 4
5 88 Mizgajski,M IVK 3
6 9 Ryan,S DMG 3
A2 Overall
PL No. Name TM Time
1 93 Twohig,B BNY = 5h06'56"
2 34 Collis,C UCD @ 02"
3 32 Morton,E UCD @ 32"
4 65 Whorrell,C IOA @ 01'02"
5 66 Creegan,J IOA @ 01'26"
6 104 Rimmer,P LKE @ 01'36"
A3 Overall
PL No. Name TM Time
1 68 Kelly,J IOB = 5h08'24"
2 101 Bruton,D DID @
3 49 Arrigan,C LRD @ 08"
4 28 O Neill,A U/A @ 15"
5 85 Long,B FFC @ 15"
6 83 Whelan,W GLE @ 02'36"