1 1 A1 Cassidy,Colm UCD 1 4h19'10"
2 85 A1 Walsh,Anthony Apoge Super U 4h19'33" @23"
3 57 A3 Forde,Nigel Galway Bay CC 4h19'54" @44"
4 41 A2 Mc Ilwaine,Conor Errigal CC 4h19'56" @46"
5 17 A2 VET Rimmer,Peter Lakeside Wheelers 2 4h20'00" @50"
6 20 A1 Brennan,David Castlebar CC 4h20'01" @51"
7 32 A1 Peelo,David Murphy Surveys Kilcullen 2 4h20'17" @01'07"
8 54 A1 Frawley,Liam Galway Bay CC 4h20'33" @01'23"
9 67 A1 Hennessy,Michael Fermoy CC 4h20'38" @01'28"
10 92 A3 Jun Corcoran,Liam Castlebar CC 4h20'41" @01'31"
11 100 A3 Jun Prendergast,Jason Cunga CC 4h20'58" @01'48"
12 34 A2 Steed,Ciaran Murphy Surveys Kilcullen 2 4h21'00" @01'50"
13 4 A3 Parker,Barrick UCD 1 4h21'15" @02'05"
14 30 A2 Byrne,William Murphy Surveys Kilcullen 1 4h21'18" @02'08"
15 49 A2 VET Martin,Brian Seven Springs 4h23'23" @04'13"
16 24 A2 Vet Troy,Chris Castlebar CC 4h23'25" @04'15"
17 76 A2 Vet Dumoulin,Laurent Kanturk CC 4h23'27" @04'17"
18 82 A3 Whelan,William Galtee Wheelers 4h23'29" @04'19"
19 53 A1 Joyce,Derek Galway Bay CC 4h23'35" @04'25"
20 33 A2 Enright,Gareth Murphy Surveys Kilcullen 2 4h23'38" @04'28"
21 60 A2 Cox,Stuart Black Rose racing 4h23'38" = s/t
22 46 A3 Roche,Damien West Clare CC 4h23'44" @04'34"
23 65 A3 Johnston,Cathal SDCC 4h23'47" @04'37"
24 89 A3 VET Devins,Michael Eire Og 4h23'49" @04'39"
25 48 A2 Nugent,David Seven Springs 4h23'49" = s/t
26 42 A3 Mc Caffrey,Ted Errigal CC 4h23'56" @04'46"
27 70 A3 O Connell,John Midleton CTC 4h23'58" @04'48"
28 7 A3 Gilvarry,Michael Western Lakes CC 4h24'00" @04'50"
29 19 A3 Crowley,Paul Lakeside Wheelers 2 4h24'12" @05'02"
30 16 A3 Cunnane,Billy Lakeside Wheelers 2 4h24'12" = s/t
31 66 A3 Maloney,Brendan SDCC 4h24'17" @05'07"
32 95 A3 Doyle,Paul Fermoy CC 4h24'18" @05'08"
33 99 A3 O'Rourke,James Western Lakes CC2 4h24'19" @05'09"
34 75 A3 Spain,John Bray Wheelers 4h24'19" = s/t
35 61 A3 Kidd,Graeme Usher IRC 4h24'20" @05'10"
36 26 A3 JUN Fitzsimons,David Murphy Surveys Kilcullen 1 4h24'23" @05'13"
37 59 A3 Walsh,Billy Black Rose racing 4h24'23" = s/t
38 56 A3 Jacobson,Alan Galway Bay CC 4h24'30" @05'20"
39 52 A3 Cleary,John Seven Springs 4h24'32" @05'22"
40 8 A3 Jun Heneghan,Kieran Western Lakes CC 4h24'35" @05'25"
41 9 A3 VET Ryan,Kevin Western Lakes CC 4h24'37" @05'27"
42 21 A3 Conroy,Rory Castlebar CC 4h24'38" @05'28"
43 78 A2 Collins,Aidan Orwell CC 4h24'45" @05'35"
44 40 A3 Hunter,Danny Errigal CC 4h24'45" = s/t
45 6 A2 Flaherty,JJ Western Lakes CC 4h24'48" @05'38"
46 97 A3 Maguire,Jim Shannonside Planet X CC 4h25'08" @05'58"
47 2 A2 Conluain,Ciaran UCD 1 4h25'44" @06'34"
48 84 A3 O Dwyer,Senan Limerick CC 4h26'43" @07'33"
49 31 A1 Lynch,John Murphy Surveys Kilcullen 2 4h28'16" @09'06"
50 55 A3 VET Bourke,Tony Galway Bay CC 4h29'10" @10'00"
51 91 A3 Ladies Dalton,Anne Orwell CC 4h29'57" @10'47"
52 14 A3 Kenny,Robbie Lakeside Wheelers 1 4h30'10" @11'00"
53 45 A3 Queally,Daithi West Clare CC 4h30'36" @11'26"
54 86 A2 Vet O Grady,Martin Team Toachim 4h31'25" @12'15"
55 83 A1 Kelly,Robin Waterford CC 4h31'32" @12'22"
56 43 A3 Donovon,Padraig West Clare CC 4h31'34" @12'24"
57 68 A1 Barrett,Olan Fermoy CC 4h31'43" @12'33"
58 71 A3 Creedon,Daithi South Side Wheely Wheelers 4h31'56" @12'46"
59 37 A3 Doyle,Derek Murphy Surveys Kilcullen 3 4h32'03" @12'53"
60 77 A3 Ladies Brice,Amy Phoenix CC 4h32'38" @13'28"
61 38 A3 Browne,Liam Murphy Surveys Kilcullen 3 4h32'46" @13'36"
62 80 A3 Clogher,Alan Stamullen CC 4h33'06" @13'56"
Stage 2b FINAL Results, Page: 4 © Séamus Shortall 2007
63 28 A3 Donnelly,Barry Murphy Surveys Kilcullen 1 4h33'10" @14'00"
64 62 A3 Vet Sharkey,Fergus Usher IRC 4h33'15" @14'05"
65 63 A3 Nevill,Brian Shannonside Planet X CC 4h33'30" @14'20"
66 58 A3 VET Reade,Aidan Black Rose racing 4h33'31" @14'21"
67 18 A3 jun Eoin,Lynch Lakeside Wheelers 2 4h33'35" @14'25"
68 51 A3 Kelly,James Seven Springs 4h33'41" @14'31"
69 13 A3 Berry,Ken Lakeside Wheelers 1 4h33'44" @14'34"
70 98 A2 Forrest,Denis Blarney CC 4h33'46" @14'36"
71 23 A3 Mc Cormack,Gareth Castlebar CC 4h34'16" @15'06"
72 101 A3 O'Connell,Keith Covey Wheelers 4h35'07" @15'57"
73 36 A3 Ryan,Enda Murphy Surveys Kilcullen 3 4h36'59" @17'49"
74 25 A3 Jun Walsh,Thomas Castlebar CC 2 4h37'10" @18'00"
75 11 A3 Marrey,Joe Western Lakes CC2 4h37'42" @18'32"
76 93 A3 Ladies McCrystal,Eve Garda CC 4h37'54" @18'44"
77 15 A3 Bracken,Ronan Lakeside Wheelers 1 4h38'27" @19'17"
78 12 A3 Moran,Michael Western Lakes CC2 4h38'38" @19'28"
79 3 A3 Doherty,Cathal UCD 1 4h39'19" @20'09"
80 44 A3 Bourke,David West Clare CC 4h39'54" @20'44"
81 90 A3 Ladies Conway,Caroline Usher IRC 4h39'56" @20'46"
82 5 A2 Collins,Ross UCD 1 4h41'08" @21'58"
83 10 A2 Flanagan,Michael Western Lakes CC 4h42'09" @22'59"
Team General Classification
PL Name Time
1 UCD 1 13h00'59"
2 Galway Bay CC @ 03'03"
3 Castlebar CC @ 03'14"
4 Murphy Surveys Kilcullen 2 @ 03'27"
5 Lakeside Wheelers 2 @ 07'25"
6 Errigal CC @ 07'38"
7 Western Lakes CC @ 09'06"
8 Seven Springs @ 10'45"
9 Fermoy CC @ 15'41"
10 West Clare CC @ 16'37"
11 Murphy Surveys Kilcullen 1 @ 17'52"
12 Black Rose racing @ 20'33"
13 Usher IRC @ 36'32"
14 Western Lakes CC2 @ 39'40"
15 Murphy Surveys Kilcullen 3 @ 40'49"
16 Lakeside Wheelers 1 @ 41'22"
Points Competition
PL No. Name TM Pts
1 92 Corcoran,L 18
2 1 Cassidy,C 15
3 83 Kelly,R 10
4 57 Forde,N 8
5 70 O Connell,J 3
6 45 Queally,D 3
King of the Mountains
PL No. Name TM Pts
1 5 Collins,R 15
2 41 Mc Ilwaine,C 11
3 10 Flanagan,M 7
4 82 Whelan,W 6
5 84 O Dwyer,S 5
6 17 Rimmer,P 5
Points & Bonuses
S/PtsP/PtsS/BonP/Bon No. Name
10 5 83 Kelly,R
6 5 3 92 Corcoran,L
2 1 31 Lynch,J
3 45 Queally,D
1 58 Reade,A