1 Pascal Duquette 108 30:03
2 Tobias Munch 304 32:30
3 Philip Howard 117 33:35
4 Freek de Haas 107 33:40
5 Bas Willems 146 33:43
6 Thijs Kupers 123 34:45
7 Steffen Vogt 144 35:03
8 Alastair Insall 118 35:12
9 Vince Langford 124 35:51
10 John Faulkner 112 36:23
11 James Campbell 103 36:25
12 Kevin Thiessen 140 38:16
13 Darragh O'Riordan 133 38:28
14 Chris Walker 145 39:16
15 Daniel Wood 148 39:45
16 Jan Thygesen 141 40:04
17 Alex Morier 130 40:32
18 John Chevis 104 40:34
19 Wayne Gaudet 115 40:59
20 Diederik Branger 101 41:40
21 Alex Beraskow 301 42:45
22 Alan Knight 121 42:53
23 Jared Lester 126 43:01
24 Mike Vermeulen 143 45:04
25 Rob Paskulin 306 45:23
26 Phil Kissel 120 48:18
27 Marco Panebianco 135 53:25
28 Andy Morritt 307 53:48
29 Hubert Steinhauser 139 12:00:00
Rank Name Plate Flag Time
1 Elizabeth Brown 102 36:52
2 Natalie Howard 305 38:53
3 Silvia Daetwiler 106 39:48
4 Tessa Melck 129 39:49
5 Tracy Esterhuyzen 111 39:58
6 Rosi Winn 147 40:03
7 Bridget O'Meara 132 40:19
8 Susanne Froehle 113 40:31
9 Marie-Claire Oziem 134 40:31
10 Naomi Johnson 119 43:00
11 Patricia Gaudet 114 45:25
12 Irin Zschokke 150 49:25
13 Anne Cook 105 50:35
14 Sybille Zehringer 149 1:00:16
15 Francine Plante 136 12:00:00
16 Sandra Seager 138 12:00:00
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Latest Tour News
Sand Storm 2013
The day started like any other day; sunshine, nice tail winds, smooth pavement, easy day. As the morning went on,... continued
Re-thinking the Coke Stop with Lizzy and Ali
Endurance athleticism, world traveling and compassionate community development is nothing new to Lizzy Brown and Ali Insall. Both accomplished marathon... continued
Tessa Melck’s gone MAD for cycling in Africa
Born and bred on the west coast of South Africa, living on a farm, Tessa grew up as rough and... continued
First Impressions of the Sudan
After 2 bicycle convoys, 3 trucks to be loaded with gear, one long ferry ride, and a half dozen or... continued
Memories of Lake Nasser and the SS Sagaalnam
The grinding traffic of Cairo is a long way from the serene Nubian desert in Sudan where riders will spend... continued
End of Egypt Race Update
The 2013 Tour d’Afrique has now completed its first of ten countries and the cyclists and staff have embarked on... continued
On the beach.
The training wheels are off, and the Tour d’Afrique 2013 is in full swing! A few hundred km’s now behind... continued
Cairo: 2 Days to Go…
The preparations have begun. Over the last few days staff and riders have been heading out in all directions, trying... continued
That is a wrap
The sight of Table Mountain in the distance hasn’t been as sweet for such a big group of people in... continued
TDA Twilight
Today, while having our second last dinner, after the last day of racing, in our final week of this glorious... continued
more Tour News Original textContribute a better translation
1 Pascal Duquette 108 2:10:34:35
2 Tobias Munch 304 2:10:53:04
3 John Faulkner 112 2:12:08:31
4 Philip Howard 117 2:16:17:34
5 Vince Langford 124 2:17:38:13
6 Freek de Haas 107 2:18:56:10
7 Alastair Insall 118 2:21:43:02
8 Bas Willems 146 2:22:12:45
9 Jan Thygesen 141 2:22:39:55
10 Steffen Vogt 144 2:23:38:09
11 Alex Beraskow 301 2:23:58:45
12 Alan Knight 121 3:02:57:09
13 Darragh O'Riordan 133 3:03:22:16
14 Kevin Thiessen 140 3:05:44:04
15 John Chevis 104 3:05:49:39
16 Rob Paskulin 306 3:06:02:11
17 James Campbell 103 3:07:45:33
18 Alex Morier 130 3:07:54:07
19 Thijs Kupers 123 3:08:07:56
20 Marco Panebianco 135 3:10:54:15
21 Daniel Wood 148 3:10:57:59
22 Diederik Branger 101 3:11:06:10
23 Chris Walker 145 3:11:30:25
24 Jared Lester 126 3:12:49:29
25 Mike Vermeulen 143 3:12:56:11
26 Wayne Gaudet 115 3:13:11:29
27 Phil Kissel 120 3:13:48:33
28 Andy Morritt 307 3:20:20:22
29 Hubert Steinhauser 139 4:18:28:48
Rank Name Plate Flag Time
1 Bridget O'Meara 132 2:21:27:30
2 Elizabeth Brown 102 2:21:50:40
3 Natalie Howard 305 2:23:18:14
4 Rosi Winn 147 2:23:37:39
5 Tessa Melck 129 3:02:58:42
6 Marie-Claire Oziem 134 3:03:10:30
7 Susanne Froehle 113 3:03:55:00
8 Silvia Daetwiler 106 3:05:56:50
9 Patricia Gaudet 114 3:07:47:27
10 Naomi Johnson 119 3:08:58:43
11 Tracy Esterhuyzen 111 3:11:29:49
12 Anne Cook 105 3:12:20:11
13 Irin Zschokke 150 4:00:39:15
14 Sybille Zehringer 149 4:01:04:31
15 Francine Plante 136 4:15:22:03
16 Sandra Seager 138 4:16:41:33
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Latest Tour News
Sand Storm 2013
The day started like any other day; sunshine, nice tail winds, smooth pavement, easy day. As the morning went on,... continued
Re-thinking the Coke Stop with Lizzy and Ali
Endurance athleticism, world traveling and compassionate community development is nothing new to Lizzy Brown and Ali Insall. Both accomplished marathon... continued
Tessa Melck’s gone MAD for cycling in Africa
Born and bred on the west coast of South Africa, living on a farm, Tessa grew up as rough and... continued
First Impressions of the Sudan
After 2 bicycle convoys, 3 trucks to be loaded with gear, one long ferry ride, and a half dozen or... continued
Memories of Lake Nasser and the SS Sagaalnam
The grinding traffic of Cairo is a long way from the serene Nubian desert in Sudan where riders will spend... continued
End of Egypt Race Update
The 2013 Tour d’Afrique has now completed its first of ten countries and the cyclists and staff have embarked on... continued
On the beach.
The training wheels are off, and the Tour d’Afrique 2013 is in full swing! A few hundred km’s now behind... continued
Cairo: 2 Days to Go…
The preparations have begun. Over the last few days staff and riders have been heading out in all directions, trying... continued
That is a wrap
The sight of Table Mountain in the distance hasn’t been as sweet for such a big group of people in... continued
TDA Twilight
Today, while having our second last dinner, after the last day of racing, in our final week of this glorious... continued
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