1 66.62 Adam Leibovitz (1 - Cat1) Indianapolis, IN 221190 68 Kentucky Flyers Cycling Inc/Texas Roadhouse Cycling Team P/B Motorex
[2nd Place] 2 67.29 Chris Winn (2 - Cat1) Lakewood, CO 292547 21 GS Ciao/Horizon Organic / Panache Elite Cycling
[3rd Place] 3 67.96 Alexander Ray Chicago, IL 396475 15 ISCorp
4 68.63 Alexey Shmidt (3 - Cat1) Alpharetta , GA 309411 51 The 706 Project/Team United Healthcare Georgia/The 706 P
5 69.30 Brandon Feehery (4 - Cat1) Homewood, IL 193035 31 Astellas Cycling Club/Astellas Oncology Cycling Team
6 69.97 Jeffrey Pendlebury (5 - Cat1) Fredericksburg, OH 307012 70 Panther/Bakehouse
7 70.64 Daniel Holt (6 - Cat1) Alpharetta , GA 63559 48 The 706 Project/Team United Healthcare Georgia/The 706 P
8 71.31 Devin Clark (7 - Cat1) St. Louis, MO 186238 107 Team Black/Qdoba p/b Bushwhacker
9 71.98 Stephen Tilford (8 - Cat1) Topeka, KS 35598 101 TradeWind Energy Cycling Team
10 72.65 Robert White (9 - Cat1) Brown Deer, WI 197162 74 Sharecare Cycling p/b Wheeland Sprocket.com
11 73.32 Ryan Knapp (10 - Cat1) Columbus, IN 161263 103 Panther/Bakehouse
12 73.99 Hogan Sills (1 - Cat2) West Lafayette, IN 257611 89 Sammy's Bike
13 74.66 Gerd deKeijzer Cumming, GA 386805 56 Team Type 1 Development
14 75.33 Anthony Olson (11 - Cat1) Kasota, MN 245537 93 St Paul Bicycle Racing Club/Mitsubishi Laser/Grand Performance
15 76.00 Adam Gorski (2 - Cat2) Minneapolis, MN 246159 19 Freewheel Bike
16 76.67 Andrew Scarano (12 - Cat1) Locust Grove, GA 178109 50 The 706 Project/Team United Healthcare Georgia/The 706 P
[Team 1st Place] 17 77.34 Colton Barrett (13 - Cat1) Indianapolis, IN 224589 35 Kentucky Flyers Cycling Inc/Texas Roadhouse Cycling Team P/B Motorex
18 78.01 Andrew Dillman (14 - Cat1) Fairdale, KY 261876 63 Kentucky Flyers Cycling Inc
19 78.68 Andrew Clarke (15 - Cat1) Medina, OH 212538 71 Panther/Bakehouse
20 79.35 Christopher Curran (3 - Cat2) Normal, IL 282543 79 Bloomington Cycle Racing Team
21 80.02 Adam York (16 - Cat1) Plymouth, MI 210584 85 Cleveland Clinic Sports Health - RGF pb Felt Bicycles/Cleveland Clinic Sports He
22 80.69 Joshua Johnson (17 - Cat1) Fort Wayne, IN 257134 25 ICC BISSELL-ABG-GIANT
23 81.36 Benjamin Dilley (4 - Cat2) Alpharetta, GA 308150 55 Team Novo Nordisk/Team Novo Nordisk Development
24 82.03 Michael Sencenbaugh (18 - Cat1) Carroll, IA 239743 96 Sakari Race Team
25 82.70 Erik Loberg (5 - Cat2) Cedarburg, WI 213434 116 Great Dane Velo Club (GDVC)/Great Dane Velo Club
26 83.37 Brian Ellison (6 - Cat2) Chicago Heights, IL 310844 94 St Paul Bicycle Racing Club/Mitsubishi Laser/Grand Performance
27 84.04 Andrew Buntz (19 - Cat1) West Des Moines 291573 30 Astellas Cycling Club/Astellas Oncology Cycling Team
28 84.71 Leif Byrge-Liebig (7 - Cat2) Menomonee Falls, WI 280257 81 ISCorp Cycling/NCSF
29 85.38 John Tomlinson (20 - Cat1) Chicago, IL 239266 8 ISCorp Cycling/NCSF
30 86.05 Alexander Voitik (8 - Cat2) Champaign, IL 184412 90 Sammy's Bike
31 86.72 Michael Woell (21 - Cat1) Minneapolis, MN 227850 113 Freewheel Bike
32 87.39 Alex Wieseler (22 - Cat1) Indianapolis, IN 207324 28 ICC BISSELL-ABG-GIANT
33 88.06 Billy Jones (23 - Cat1) Milwaukee, WI 53173 3 ISCorp Cycling/NCSF/ISCorp Cycling Team
34 88.73 Griffin Easter (9 - Cat2) Durango, CO 282590 41 Gateway Harley-Davidson
35 89.40 William Rekemeyer (24 - Cat1) Ames, IA 297983 6 ISCorp Cycling/NCSF/ISCorp Cycling Team
36 90.07 Matthew Kelley (10 - Cat2) Homewood, IL 340630 72 South Chicago Wheelmen
37 90.74 Graham Dewart (25 - Cat1) Zionsville, IN 241878 24 ICC BISSELL-ABG-GIANT/BISSELL-ABG-GIANT
38 91.41 Martin Vecchio (26 - Cat1) Detroit, MI 289623 102 Panther/Bakehouse
39 92.08 Cameron Rex (11 - Cat2) Shawnee, KS 243878 37 Gateway Harley-Davidson
40 92.75 William Zellmer (27 - Cat1) Missoula, MT 225407 36 Gateway Harley-Davidson
41 93.42 Jos Chalmers (28 - Cat1) Indian Harbour Beach, FL 271372 42 Gateway Harley-Davidson
42 94.09 David Goodman (12 - Cat2) Suwanee, GA 229367 49 The 706 Project
[Team 1st Place] 43 94.76 Stephen Bassett (13 - Cat2) Knoxville, TN 257316 98 Kentucky Flyers Cycling Inc/Texas Roadhouse Cycling Team P/B Motorex
44 95.43 Corentin Cherhal Cumming, GA 385931 61 Team Type 1 Development
45 96.10 Matt Bole (14 - Cat2) Loveland, OH 669 20 Team Dayton Bicycling/TEAM DAYTON-MERRILL LYNCH CYCLING
46 96.77 James Bird (29 - Cat1) Kenilworth, IL 239434 14 ISCorp Cycling/NCSF/ISCorp Cycling Team
47 97.44 Dustin Morici (15 - Cat2) Saint Charles, IL 288716 91 Sammy's Bike
48 98.11 John Eisinger (30 - Cat1) Louisville, KY 202079 110 Kentucky Flyers Cycling Inc
49 98.78 Kip Spaude (31 - Cat1) Watertown, WI 199775 7 ISCorp Cycling/NCSF
50 99.45 Alexander Meyer (32 - Cat1) Madison, WI 193722 5 ISCorp Cycling/NCSF/ISCorp Cycling Team
51 100.12 Matthew Zimmer (16 - Cat2) De Witt, IA 320582 105 St Paul Bicycle Racing Club/Mitsubishi Laser/Grand Performance
52 100.79 Alex Vanias (33 - Cat1) Leroy, MI 291766 27 ICC BISSELL-ABG-GIANT/BISSELL-ABG-GIANT
53 101.46 Edward Kim (17 - Cat2) Columbia, MO 353032 47 Gateway Harley-Davidson
54 102.13 Andrew Seitz (34 - Cat1) Pittsburgh, PA 291272 104 Panther/Bakehouse
55 102.80 Josh Johnson (18 - Cat2) Cape Girardeau, MO 298124 39 Gateway Harley-Davidson
56 103.47 Daniel Lam (35 - Cat1) Kalamazoo, MI 239504 29 ICC BISSELL-ABG-GIANT/BISSELL-ABG-GIANT
[Team 1st Place] 57 104.14 Kevin Attkisson (36 - Cat1) Louisville, KY 201060 22 Kentucky Flyers Cycling Inc/Texas Roadhouse Cycling Team P/B Motorex
58 104.81 Richard Rainville (19 - Cat2) Livonia, MI 305239 1 ISCorp Cycling/NCSF/ISCorp Cycling Team
59 105.48 Marco Aledia (37 - Cat1) Worthington, OH 58428 52 Sharecare Cycling p/b Wheeland Sprocket.com/Sharecare Cycling p/b WheelandSprock
[Team 1st Place] 60 106.15 John Grant (38 - Cat1) Louisville, KY 193579 109 Kentucky Flyers Cycling Inc/Texas Roadhouse Cycling Team P/B Motorex
61 106.82 Luke Haley (20 - Cat2) Louisville, KY 259716 106 Kentucky Flyers Cycling Inc
62 107.49 Yosvany Falcon (39 - Cat1) Miami, FL 208086 33 Sharecare Cycling p/b Wheeland Sprocket.com/Sharecare Cycling p/b WheelandSprock
[Team 1st Place] 63 108.16 Patrick Lemieux (40 - Cat1) Saint Paul, MN 210769 112 Kentucky Flyers Cycling Inc/Texas Roadhouse Cycling Team P/B Motorex
64 108.83 Jordan Mathes (41 - Cat1) Elkhart Lake , WI 212239 53 Sharecare Cycling p/b Wheeland Sprocket.com
65 109.50 Chad Burdzilauskas (42 - Cat1) Indianapolis, IN 122674 111 Kentucky Flyers Cycling Inc
66 110.17 Isaiah Newkirk (43 - Cat1) Indianapolis, IN 282064 38 Gateway Harley-Davidson
67 110.84 Johnathan Freter (44 - Cat1) Columbus, OH 266654 67 Panther/Bakehouse
68 111.51 David Morse (21 - Cat2) Indianapolis, IN 215016 18 SRAM Factory
69 112.18 Timothy Campbell (22 - Cat2) Lake Mills, WI 240400 2 ISCorp Cycling/NCSF
70 112.85 Nathan Labecki (23 - Cat2) Milwaukee, WI 209414 4 ISCorp Cycling/NCSF/ISCorp Cycling Team
71 113.52 Andrew Neuser (24 - Cat2) St. Paul, MN 293420 95 St Paul Bicycle Racing Club/Mitsubishi Laser/Grand Performance
72 114.19 Robert Smallman (25 - Cat2) Hobart, IN 337310 88 Scholars Inn Bakehouse Team Tortuga
73 114.86 Michael Dutczak (26 - Cat2) Crete, IL 200766 87 South Chicago Wheelmen
74 115.53 Alexander Martin (27 - Cat2) Madison, WI 308924 13 Team Wisconsin/KS Energy Services / Team Wisconsin
75 116.20 Bill Mulligan (28 - Cat2) Lake Mills, WI 297004 117 Great Dane Velo Club (GDVC)/Great Dane Velo Club
76 116.87 Vance Fletcher (29 - Cat2) Chariton 278921 75 ISCorp Cycling/NCSF/ISCorp Cycling Team
77 117.54 Ruud Cremers Alpharetta Ga 378871 59 Team Novo Nordisk Development
78 118.21 Blaine Benson (30 - Cat2) Birmingham, MI 268471 84 Kids Race Sports Development
79 118.88 Dustin Cottle (31 - Cat2) Alpharetta, GA 305586 60 Team Novo Nordisk/Team Novo Nordisk Development
80 119.55 Daniel Solomon (32 - Cat2) Romeoville, IL 192220 69 South Chicago Wheelmen
81 120.22 Andy Prickett (33 - Cat2) Pleasant Hill, OH 266105 100 Team Dayton Bicycling/TEAM DAYTON-MERRILL LYNCH CYCLING
82 120.89 Brais Dacal Alpharetta, GA 401642 58 Team Novo Nordisk Development
83 121.56 Jeremiah Sagel (34 - Cat2) Edina, MN 31058 11 Freewheel Bike
84 122.23 Kaleb Koch (35 - Cat2) Glenview, IL 265924 97 ISCorp Cycling/NCSF
85 122.90 David Chernosky (45 - Cat1) Cuyahoga Falls, OH 49665 114 Cleveland Clinic Sports Health - RGF pb Felt Bicycles/Cleveland Clinic Sports He
86 123.57 Finn Kolsrud (36 - Cat2) Iowa City, IA 244812 118 Sakari Race Team
87 124.24 Shane Feehery (37 - Cat2) Homewood, IL 174544 82 South Chicago Wheelmen
88 124.91 Peter Olejniczak (38 - Cat2) Roseville, MN 185493 66 St Paul Bicycle Racing Club/Mitsubishi Laser/Grand Performance
DNS Brett Bohanan (Cat2) Washington, IL 306850 9 Team Black/Qdoba p/b Bushwhacker
DNS Matthew Light (Cat1) Warsaw, IN 277747 16 KCV Cycling Club/Racing For Riley
DNS Charles (Mac) Cassin (Cat1) Denver, CO 287030 43 Gateway Harley-Davidson
DNS Peter Eckel (Cat1) Shreveport La 168532 54 Team Novo Nordisk/Team Novo Nordisk Development
DNS Chad Briggs (Cat2) Murphysboro, IL 245081 77 Metro East Cycling/Korte Hammer Down Racing
DNS Charles Townsend (Cat2) Mendota Heights, MN 46011 92 St Paul Bicycle Racing Club/
DNF Maxwell Ackermann (Cat2) Whitefish Bay, WI 311386 10 ISCorp Cycling/NCSF/ISCorp Cycling Team
DNF William Greenwood (Cat2) Minneapolis, MN 247257 12 Freewheel Bike
DNF Craig Streit (Cat1) Scottsdale, AZ 197252 17 Body by Vi p/b Velo Vie
DNF Kevin Depasse (Cat1) Bloomington, IN 323640 23 ICC BISSELL-ABG-GIANT
DNF Nathaniel Williams (Cat1) East Grand Rapids, MI 220678 26 ICC BISSELL-ABG-GIANT/BISSELL-ABG-GIANT
DNF Chris Moore (Cat2) Woodridge, IL 277388 32 Sammy's Bike
DNF Joseph maloney (Cat2) Madison, WI 313232 34 Team Wisconsin/KS Energy Services / Team Wisconsin
DNF Daniel Eaton (Cat1) Mesa, AZ 306276 40 Gateway Harley-Davidson
DNF Bryan Fosler (Cat1) Madison, WI 197058 44 Team Wisconsin/KS Energy Services / Team Wisconsin
DNF John Reynders (Cat2) Appleton, WI 255625 45 Team Wisconsin
DNF Ross White (Cat1) Madison, WI 200545 46 Team Wisconsin
DNF Michael Dalterio Alpharetta, GA 400419 57 Team Novo Nordisk Development
DNF Matthew Brooks (Cat2) Alpharetta, GA 249788 62 Team Novo Nordisk/Team Novo Nordisk Development
DNF Stephan Hirsch (Cat1) Watkinsville, GA 337040 64 The 706 Project/Team United Healthcare Georgia/The 706 P
DNF Joshua Carter (Cat1) Fairview Heights, IL 110443 65 Predator Cycling/Predator Carbon Repair
DNF Chad Hartley (Cat1) Fox Point, WI 126996 73 Racers Against Childhood Cancer/RACC pb GG
DNF Paul Martin (Cat1) North Royalton, OH 207549 76 Panther/Bakehouse
[Team 1st Place] DNF John Puffer (Cat1) Indianapolis, IN 116272 78 Kentucky Flyers Cycling Inc/Texas Roadhouse Cycling Team P/B Motorex
[Team 1st Place] DNF Nicholas Ramirez (Cat1) Normal, IL 296749 80 Kentucky Flyers Cycling Inc/Texas Roadhouse Cycling Team P/B Motorex
DNF David Neis (Cat2) Yellow Springs, OH 276289 83 Team Dayton Bicycling/TEAM DAYTON-MERRILL LYNCH CYCLING
DNF Eric Finks (Cat2) Clinton, MO 289511 86 Quantum Mesa Cycles
DNF Kurt Hantelmann (Cat2) Altoona, IA 200710 99 Sakari Race Team
DNF Cole House (Cat1) Oneida Wi 183112 108 CashCall Mortgage
DNF Daniel Ajer (Cat1) Fitchburg, WI 180160 115 Great Dane Velo Club (GDVC)