1 65.45 Christopher Uberti Greenville, SC 238311 444 0
[2nd Place] 2 67.18 Kyle Perry (1 - Cat1) Indianapolis, IN 240005 436 Kentucky Flyers Cycling Inc
[3rd Place] 3 68.91 Gavriel Epstein Englewood, NJ 179451 410 0
4 70.64 Paul Martin (2 - Cat1) North Royalton, OH 207549 425 Netherland Rubber
[Team 2nd Place] 5 72.37 Ryan Knapp (3 - Cat1) Columbus, IN 161263 422 Kentucky Flyers Cycling Inc
6 74.10 Adam Leibovitz Indianapolis, IN 221190 424 0
7 75.83 Marco Aledia (4 - Cat1) Worthington, OH 58428 402 Athlete Octane Cycling
[Team 2nd Place] 8 77.56 Patrick ODonnell (5 - Cat1) Lexington, KY 383682 433 Kentucky Flyers Cycling Inc
9 79.29 Brendan Cornett (6 - Cat1) Athens, GA 201118 407 The 706 Project
10 81.02 Kirk Albers (7 - Cat1) Upper Arlington, OH 1283 401 Netherland Rubber
11 82.75 Johnathan Freter Columbus, OH 266654 413 0
12 84.48 Rob Thompson (8 - Cat1) Lakewood, OH 311256 443 Netherland Rubber
13 86.21 Ryan Sullivan (9 - Cat1) Nashville, TN 305979 442 The 706 Project
14 87.94 Steve Bedilion (1 - Cat2) Mcmurray, PA 212417 452 Allegheny Cycling Association
15 89.67 BRYAN GOMEZ New York, NY 437845 415
16 91.40 Tanner Hurst (10 - Cat1) Gallatin, TN 277734 420 Team Upland Brewing
17 93.13 Hendra Palisades (2 - Cat2) Columbus, OH 370844 434 Ohio State University
18 94.86 Andrew Scarano (11 - Cat1) Athens, GA 178109 439 The 706 Project
19 96.59 Greg Wittwer (12 - Cat1) Richmond, VA 111687 447 PTS Racing
20 98.32 Doug Fagan (13 - Cat1) Indianapolis, IN 205802 411 Team Upland Brewing
21 100.05 Drew Christopher Wheat Ridge, CO 288007 405 0
22 101.78 Andrew Reardon (14 - Cat1) Franklin, TN 177637 438 Cumberland Transit Cycling/FS Cycling
23 103.51 Ariel Mendez-Penate Brooklyn, NY 301743 428 0
24 105.24 David Neis (3 - Cat2) Yellow Springs, OH 276289 432 Team Dayton Bicycling
25 106.97 Thomas Schubert (15 - Cat1) Fogelsville Pa 291477 440 Team Upland Brewing
26 108.70 David Chernosky (16 - Cat1) Cuyahoga Falls, OH 49665 449 St. Francis Animal Hospital of Cleveland
27 110.43 Abraham McNutt (17 - Cat1) Germantown, OH 194766 427 Team Dayton Bicycling
28 112.16 Eric Bair (4 - Cat2) West Chester, OH 380376 403 Zephyr Wheel Sports
29 113.89 Jack McCann (18 - Cat1) Cincinnati, OH 298338 450 Netherland Rubber
30 115.62 Aaron Cruikshank (19 - Cat1) Akron, OH 258844 408 WAS Labs Cycling
31 117.35 Mathew Meunier (5 - Cat2) Nashville, TN 295183 430 Cumberland Transit Cycling/FS Cycling
32 119.08 Kevin Kimbell (6 - Cat2) Pflugerville, TX 301110 421 Blur Racing p/b Austin Multi-Sport
33 120.81 Robert Sroka (7 - Cat2) North Royalton, OH 270997 441 Netherland Rubber
34 122.54 Clint Dager (8 - Cat2) Newark, DE 291076 409 PTS Racing
35 124.27 Corey Fisher (20 - Cat1) Pittburgh, PA 11701 412 Freddie Fu Cycling Team
36 126.00 Robert Martin (9 - Cat2) Brecksville, OH 49126 426 St. Francis Animal Hospital of Cleveland
37 127.73 Samuel Wright (10 - Cat2) Mount Vernon 366846 448 Kreitler Racing Team
38 129.46 Andrew Clarke (21 - Cat1) Medina, OH 212538 406 Netherland Rubber
39 131.19 Martin Vecchio (22 - Cat1) Detroit, MI 289623 445 Netherland Rubber
40 132.92 Brandon Freyer (11 - Cat2) Brewster, NY 281876 414 Boone Area Cyclists
41 134.65 Chris Kroll (23 - Cat1) Bloomington, IN 188069 423 Team Upland Brewing
42 136.38 Jeremy Grimm (24 - Cat1) Orrville, OH 187082 418 Team TRU
43 138.11 Nicholas Vorwerk (12 - Cat2) Southbloomfield, OH 303537 446 Team Novo Nordisk
44 139.84 Dustin Greer (13 - Cat2) Cedar Hill, TN 178240 417 0
45 141.57 Billy Raynor (14 - Cat2) Wilmington, NC 322560 451 Boone Area Cyclists
DNF John Callahan Terre Haute, IN 289458 404 Scholars Inn Bakehouse Team Tortuga
DNF Mark Gori (Cat2) Chagrin Falls, OH 320320 416 Spin
DNF John Heffner (Cat2) Pittsburgh, PA 261703 419 0
DNF Craig Merritts (Cat2) Pittsburgh, PA 89628 429 0
DNF John Minturn (Cat1) Philadelphia, PA 179015 431 Century Road Club Assoc
DNF Jeffrey Pendlebury (Cat1) Fredericksburg, OH 307012 435 Team TRU
DNF Jeff Joy (Cat1) Huntington, WV 18323 453 Jeff's Bike Shop