Jean Lou Paiani OPEN 1 1 1 00:25:20 02:51:07 03:15:55 02:58:43 02:08:22 11:39:10.0
151 Paolo Caputo OPEN 2 2 2 00:25:07 02:51:07 03:15:55 02:59:02 02:08:22 11:39:17.0 00:00:07
140 Michael Anthes OPEN 3 3 3 00:23:44 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:00:15 02:08:22 11:39:21.0 00:00:11
168 Shamus Christison OPEN 4 4 4 00:23:53 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:00:15 02:08:22 11:39:29.0 00:00:19
166 Saharat Simons OPEN 5 5 5 00:24:40 02:51:07 03:15:55 02:59:54 02:08:22 11:39:48.0 00:00:38
139 Michael Koreneff OPEN 6 6 6 00:24:15 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:00:43 02:08:22 11:40:14.0 00:01:04
170 Shohei Ikeda OPEN 7 7 7 00:26:43 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:01:18 02:08:22 11:43:25.0 00:04:15
180 Taylor Price OPEN 8 8 8 00:23:37 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:05:31 02:08:22 11:44:32.0 00:05:22
173 Soeren Mueller OPEN 9 9 9 00:24:18 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:05:11 02:08:22 11:44:53.0 00:05:43
122 Jack Carruthers OPEN 10 10 10 00:24:22 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:05:13 02:08:22 11:44:59.0 00:05:49
113 Chaiwat Hirunrat OPEN 11 11 11 00:26:33 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:06:39 02:08:22 11:48:36.0 00:09:26
154 Pierre-Alain Scherway OPEN 12 12 12 00:24:41 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:11:46 02:08:22 11:51:51.0 00:12:41
175 Stefano Giordano OPEN 13 13 13 00:24:33 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:12:21 02:08:22 11:52:18.0 00:13:08
108 Andrian Pringle OPEN 14 14 14 00:25:13 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:12:10 02:08:22 11:52:47.0 00:13:37
106 Alexander Donger OPEN 15 15 15 00:25:20 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:12:21 02:08:22 11:53:05.0 00:13:55
143 Nati Samansanti OPEN 16 16 16 00:26:06 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:11:40 02:08:22 11:53:10.0 00:14:00
142 Narapong Wongwiset OPEN 17 17 17 00:26:37 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:11:43 02:08:22 11:53:44.0 00:14:34
147 Nick Mahoney OPEN 18 18 18 00:26:33 02:51:07 03:16:14 03:11:41 02:08:22 11:53:57.0 00:14:47
190 Peter Bennett OPEN 19 19 19 00:26:12 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:16:54 02:08:22 11:58:30.0 00:19:20
134 Kuan Hsien Li OPEN 20 20 20 00:26:58 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:17:12 02:08:22 11:59:34.0 00:20:24
146 Naveen Srinvasmurthy OPEN 21 21 21 00:25:25 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:19:01 02:08:22 11:59:50.0 00:20:40
127 Joseph Sebastian OPEN 22 22 22 00:25:54 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:19:57 02:08:22 12:01:15.0 00:22:05
117 David Strooper OPEN 23 23 23 00:24:57 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:22:12 02:08:22 12:02:33.0 00:23:23
129 Julius Mark Bonzo OPEN 24 24 24 00:25:30 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:22:59 02:08:22 12:03:49.0 00:24:39
141 Muralidhar N OPEN 25 25 25 00:28:40 02:51:07 03:23:13 03:13:05 02:08:22 12:04:27.0 00:25:17
186 Anubhav Karmakar OPEN 26 26 26 00:26:08 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:23:14 02:08:22 12:04:46.0 00:25:36
188 Yi Peng Teoh OPEN 27 27 27 00:25:03 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:24:24 02:08:22 12:04:51.0 00:25:41
153 Pichet Puengrang OPEN 28 28 28 00:25:35 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:24:04 02:08:22 12:04:53.0 00:25:43
177 Surawut Suksamran OPEN 29 29 29 00:26:38 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:24:04 02:08:22 12:06:06.0 00:26:56
145 Nattopon Pakdeegamsorn OPEN 30 30 30 00:25:33 02:51:07 03:23:03 03:18:49 02:08:22 12:06:54.0 00:27:44
133 Kotchakon Boonlert OPEN 31 31 31 00:27:45 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:24:04 02:08:22 12:07:13.0 00:28:03
367 Romain Barbier M30-39 32 32 1 00:23:57 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:04:25 02:15:12 12:08:11.0
144 Nattaphom Boonrod OPEN 33 33 32 00:27:03 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:26:06 02:08:22 12:08:17.0 00:29:07
320 David Lloyd M30-39 34 34 2 00:24:32 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:04:23 02:15:12 12:08:34.0 00:00:23
355 Taro Komura M30-39 35 35 3 00:25:54 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:03:42 02:15:12 12:08:55.0 00:00:44
148 Nicolas Faquet OPEN 36 36 33 00:26:41 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:26:54 02:08:22 12:08:59.0 00:29:49
119 Erwann Mahe OPEN 37 37 34 00:26:56 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:26:54 02:08:22 12:09:14.0 00:30:04
315 Chatchai Teerathajaruphong M30-39 38 38 4 00:25:37 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:04:14 02:15:12 12:09:21.0 00:01:10
341 Noel Tanner M30-39 39 39 5 00:25:14 02:53:10 03:31:34 03:04:23 02:15:12 12:09:28.0 00:01:17
318 Colin Mitchell M30-39 40 40 6 00:25:15 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:04:36 02:15:12 12:09:40.0 00:01:2
176 Sudrak Chanudom OPEN 41 41 35 00:27:49 02:51:07 03:16:05 03:27:45 02:08:22 12:11:08.0 00:31:58
149 Nigel Wong OPEN 42 42 36 00:25:49 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:30:46 02:08:22 12:11:59.0 00:32:49
102 Chi To Lee OPEN 43 43 37 00:30:02 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:26:42 02:08:28 12:12:14.0 00:33:04
135 Kumut Limwattanachai OPEN 44 44 38 00:26:13 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:31:40 02:08:22 12:13:17.0 00:34:07
338 Matt Kinch M30-39 45 45 7 00:24:55 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:10:21 02:15:12 12:15:04.0 00:06:53
349 Romain Chappotteau M30-39 46 46 8 00:25:27 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:10:23 02:15:12 12:15:39.0 00:07:28
160 Raoul Berthillon OPEN 47 47 39 00:27:17 02:51:07 03:16:05 03:32:54 02:08:22 12:15:45.0 00:36:35
354 Takei Kyosuke M30-39 48 48 9 00:32:41 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:04:23 02:15:12 12:16:33.0 00:08:22
103 Chun Yin Liu OPEN 49 49 40 00:25:03 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:14:48 02:32:15 12:19:03.0 00:39:53
174 Sofiane Behraoui OPEN 50 50 41 00:25:19 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:39:47 02:08:22 12:20:30.0 00:41:20
449 Philippe Altherr M40-49 51 51 1 00:25:37 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:11:20 02:20:17 12:20:38.0
120 Gareth Bridges OPEN 52 52 42 00:25:32 02:51:07 03:20:51 03:34:57 02:08:22 12:20:49.0 00:41:39
353 Sean Meager M30-39 53 53 10 00:25:36 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:17:52 02:15:12 12:23:17.0 00:15:06
112 Brian Ng OPEN 54 54 43 00:27:05 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:40:56 02:08:22 12:23:21.0 00:44:11
311 Ake Follet M30-39 55 55 11 00:26:14 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:17:52 02:15:12 12:23:55.0 00:15:44
327 Jiroj Vasuhirun M30-39 56 56 12 00:26:24 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:17:52 02:15:12 12:24:05.0 00:15:54
331 Keigo Higaki M30-39 57 57 13 00:28:06 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:16:19 02:15:12 12:24:12.0 00:16:01
337 Marian Von Rappard M30-39 58 58 14 00:26:57 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:17:26 02:15:12 12:24:12.0 00:16:01
303 Lok Siu Law M30-39 59 59 15 00:27:46 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:17:55 02:15:12 12:25:30.0 00:17:19
443 Michael Naert M40-49 60 60 2 00:24:37 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:17:19 02:20:17 12:25:44.0 00:05:06
115 Chavarin Kasemsittichokecha OPEN 61 61 44 00:26:05 02:51:07 03:16:07 03:22:11 02:30:20 12:25:50.0 00:46:40
439 Martin Lieberz M40-49 62 62 3 00:25:15 02:54:41 03:29:06 03:17:24 02:20:17 12:26:39.0 00:06:01
351 Sakdikay Peteson M30-39 63 63 16 00:27:12 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:19:55 02:15:12 12:26:56.0 00:18:45
336 Louis Han Chooi Tan M30-39 64 64 17 00:27:35 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:19:52 02:15:12 12:27:16.0 00:19:05
448 Philippe Cosentino M40-49 65 65 4 00:26:39 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:17:42 02:20:17 12:28:15.0 00:07:37
423 Edo Bawono M40-49 66 66 5 00:26:21 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:18:07 02:20:17 12:28:23.0 00:07:45
348 Rattanin Jansiriwat M30-39 67 67 18 00:26:03 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:22:55 02:15:12 12:28:47.0 00:20:36
312 Anutin Thanomsub M30-39 68 68 19 00:27:56 02:53:10 03:31:36 03:21:36 02:15:12 12:29:30.0 00:21:19
420 Dan Smith M40-49 69 69 6 00:25:31 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:20:23 02:20:17 12:29:50.0 00:09:12
452 Richard Dumpleton M40-49 70 70 7 00:26:23 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:20:09 02:20:17 12:30:14.0 00:09:36
417 Clinton Leong M40-49 71 71 8 00:24:57 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:23:15 02:20:17 12:32:08.0 00:11:30
366 Ben Farnsworth M30-39 72 72 20 00:25:20 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:26:26 02:15:51 12:32:14.0 00:24:03
319 Daniel Mullins M30-39 73 73 21 00:27:28 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:28:11 02:15:12 12:35:28.0 00:27:17
152 Patrice Robustelli OPEN 74 74 45 00:26:16 02:51:07 03:20:09 03:30:17 02:28:03 12:35:52.0 00:56:42
436 Liam Winston M40-49 75 75 9 00:28:47 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:23:17 02:20:17 12:36:00.0 00:15:22
418 Craig Wilkeson M40-49 76 76 10 00:25:32 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:27:50 02:20:17 12:37:18.0 00:16:40
405 Yat Hang Pierre Lam M40-49 77 77 11 00:26:47 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:22:20 02:25:14 12:38:00.0 00:17:22
421 Daniel Amby M40-49 78 78 12 00:25:13 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:29:31 02:20:17 12:38:37.0 00:17:59
101 Tsz Hin Chan OPEN 79 79 46 00:28:20 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:31:01 02:32:15 12:38:38.0 00:59:28
329 Justin Choo M30-39 80 80 22 00:25:17 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:34:51 02:15:12 12:39:57.0 00:31:46
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Page 2 / 6
Name: Tour of Friendship R1
Start Date: 2017-04-29
End Date: 2017-05-03
Location: Nakonpathom-Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Stage 1 : 17.8 KM (Time Trial) View Results
Stage 2 : 100 KM View Results
Stage 2 GC : 117.8 KM View Results
Stage 3 : 125 KM View Results
Stage 3 GC : 242.8 KM View Results
Stage 4 : 75 KM View Results
Stage 4 : 100 KM View Results
Stage 4 GC : 317.8 KM View Results
Stage 4 GC : 342.8 KM View Results
Stage 5 : 89 KM View Results
Stage 5 GC : 406.8 KM View Results
Stage 5 GC : 431.8 KM View Results
me Category Rank Gender Place Cat. Place stage 1 stage 2 stage 3 stage 4 stage 5 Official Time gap time
313 Brandon Kandt M30-39 81 81 23 00:27:29 02:53:10 03:32:01 03:32:16 02:15:12 12:40:08.0 00:31:57
118 Donald Macdonald OPEN 82 82 47 00:26:17 02:51:07 03:16:07 03:40:55 02:25:48 12:40:14.0 01:01:04
342 Nuttgawut Chaopratum M30-39 83 83 24 00:28:11 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:33:11 02:15:12 12:41:11.0 00:33:00
308 Tat Chi Leung M30-39 84 84 25 00:26:22 02:53:10 03:31:27 03:35:21 02:15:12 12:41:32.0 00:33:21
189 Witawat Choowattanakul OPEN 85 85 48 00:26:49 03:13:51 03:15:55 03:37:21 02:08:22 12:42:18.0 01:03:08
460 Veerachai Sungkarat M40-49 86 86 13 00:28:29 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:31:36 02:20:17 12:43:54.0 00:23:16
428 Jason Mansbridge M40-49 87 87 14 00:25:37 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:34:36 02:20:17 12:44:09.0 00:23:31
104 Aaron Rezek OPEN 88 88 49 00:29:25 02:51:07 03:39:31 03:18:54 02:26:18 12:45:15.0 01:06:05
465 Alexander Liaow M40-49 89 89 15 00:25:36 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:33:32 02:25:19 12:48:00.0 00:27:22
464 Olivier Derbez M40-49 90 90 16 00:27:58 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:31:36 02:25:14 12:48:27.0 00:27:49
130 Kanisorn Wongsuwan OPEN 91 91 50 00:27:09 03:05:07 03:15:55 03:52:05 02:08:22 12:48:37.0 01:09:27
403 Chi Kiu Cheung M40-49 92 92 17 00:27:05 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:39:41 02:20:17 12:50:42.0 00:30:04
414 Bill Singer M40-49 93 93 18 00:26:07 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:43:24 02:20:17 12:53:26.0 00:32:48
128 Joshua Leander Bauer OPEN 94 94 51 00:24:53 02:51:07 03:15:55 03:50:19 02:32:16 12:54:30.0 01:15:20
435 Leung Chun Kit M40-49 95 95 19 00:26:58 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:46:31 02:20:17 12:57:25.0 00:36:47
426 Hubertus Schweins M40-49 96 96 20 00:26:28 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:47:35 02:20:17 12:57:59.0 00:37:21
402 Kin Fai Leo Lam M40-49 97 97 21 00:28:41 02:54:33 03:29:13 03:40:58 02:25:42 12:59:07.0 00:38:29
411 Allen Lueth M40-49 98 98 22 00:27:56 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:47:35 02:25:14 13:04:24.0 00:43:46
187 Yan Jie Jeremy Mok OPEN 99 99 52 00:26:44 03:05:11 03:39:08 03:31:26 02:30:20 13:12:49.0 01:33:39
158 Rajat Roy OPEN 100 100 53 00:29:37 02:51:07 03:41:07 03:42:37 02:30:20 13:14:48.0 01:35:38
339 Matthew Wright M30-39 101 101 26 00:25:23 02:53:10 04:23:05 03:18:29 02:15:12 13:15:19.0 01:07:08
425 Hideo Kudo M40-49 102 102 23 00:28:30 02:54:33 03:29:06 03:51:53 02:32:47 13:16:49.0 00:56:11
431 Kahu Tawhai M40-49 103 103 24 00:27:28 02:54:33 03:29:06 04:00:49 02:25:19 13:17:15.0 00:56:37
340 Ng Henry Ka Hang M30-39 104 104 27 00:27:50 02:53:10 03:45:44 03:48:14 02:25:52 13:20:50.0 01:12:39
432 Khoon Wah Ng M40-49 105 105 25 00:30:20 02:54:33 03:42:00 03:50:47 02:25:14 13:22:54.0 01:02:16
457 Todd McKean M40-49 106 106 26 00:25:49 02:54:33 03:41:59 04:00:29 02:22:13 13:25:03.0 01:04:25
179 Tanvir Ahmed OPEN 107 107 54 00:27:38 02:51:07 03:35:34 04:06:09 02:27:57 13:28:25.0 01:49:15
322 Duncan Watt M30-39 108 108 28 00:28:08 02:53:10 03:52:40 03:49:44 02:26:37 13:30:19.0 01:22:08
309 Ka Tsun Calvin Poon M30-39 109 109 29 00:28:32 02:53:10 03:45:44 04:03:39 02:31:18 13:42:23.0 01:34:12
407 Chi Tat Lui M40-49 110 110 27 00:29:13 02:54:33 03:52:42 04:01:11 02:25:14 13:42:53.0 01:22:15
361 Jacob Schenkel M30-39 111 111 30 00:27:57 02:53:10 04:19:37 03:37:35 02:26:35 13:44:54.0 01:36:43
458 Arvind Bhateja M40-49 112 112 28 00:28:53 02:54:33 03:43:36 04:06:00 02:35:53 13:48:55.0 01:28:17
450 Rajesh Nair M40-49 113 113 29 00:26:52 02:54:33 03:29:06 04:38:49 02:20:17 13:49:37.0 01:28:59
157 Rajanikanth Puttabuddi OPEN 114 114 55 00:29:23 02:51:07 03:52:43 03:50:30 02:46:00 13:49:43.0 02:10:33
363 Matt Larkin M30-39 115 115 31 00:26:27 02:53:10 04:23:55 03:40:19 02:31:10 13:55:01.0 01:46:50
304 Wing Hin Raymond Chu M30-39 116 116 32 00:28:26 02:53:10 03:51:34 04:15:49 02:31:18 14:00:17.0 01:52:06
161 Razibul Islam OPEN 117 117 56 00:31:19 02:51:07 03:57:13 03:58:33 02:46:36 14:04:48.0 02:25:38
427 James Chee Seng Chu M40-49 118 118 30 00:30:39 03:10:36 03:55:50 03:55:28 02:32:29 14:05:02.0 01:44:24
401 Kai Man Lam M40-49 119 119 31 00:29:17 03:09:07 03:44:21 04:03:42 02:41:10 14:07:37.0 01:46:59
445 Mohan Kumar M40-49 120 120 32 00:29:55 03:03:27 04:01:32 03:55:56 02:38:13 14:09:03.0 01:48:25
302 Cho Chuen Cheng M30-39 121 121 33 00:30:06 02:53:10 04:25:23 03:53:42 02:31:21 14:13:42.0 02:05:31
364 Alexander Jaeschke M30-39 122 122 34 00:25:45 02:53:10 03:45:53 04:29:29 02:41:08 14:15:25.0 02:07:14
404 Chi Wah Raimond Leung M40-49 123 123 33 00:28:35 02:54:33 04:05:06 04:12:25 02:36:25 14:17:04.0 01:56:26
316 Chiu Sunny Chi Yeung M30-39 124 124 35 00:27:24 02:53:10 04:49:51 03:44:10 02:25:52 14:20:27.0 02:12:16
424 Federico Masin M40-49 125 125 34 00:29:00 03:24:48 03:46:26 03:57:39 02:43:27 14:21:20.0 02:00:42
459 Venkateswara Raonavanasi M40-49 126 126 35 00:28:25 02:54:33 03:57:45 04:27:33 02:36:37 14:24:53.0 02:04:15
121 Gaurav Duggal OPEN 127 127 57 00:28:43 03:05:11 03:36:14 04:48:48 02:27:57 14:26:53.0 02:47:43
408 Kam To Adom Dai M40-49 128 128 36 00:28:29 02:57:17 04:27:30 03:40:06 02:57:39 14:31:01.0 02:10:23
362 Loke E Min M30-39 129 129 36 00:26:59 02:53:10 04:02:05 04:14:54 02:55:26 14:32:34.0 02:24:23
357 Maximilian Rother M30-39 130 130 37 00:29:02 02:53:10 04:03:54 04:19:01 02:48:31 14:33:38.0 02:25:27
323 Fazzboi M30-39 131 131 38 00:27:38 02:53:10 04:02:05 04:06:28 03:13:22 14:42:43.0 02:34:32
314 Chan Cheung Wan M30-39 132 132 39 00:29:23 03:09:53 04:16:46 03:58:08 02:53:47 14:47:57.0 02:39:46
306 Hon Ming Wong M30-39 133 133 40 00:38:19 02:54:23 04:24:29 04:25:07 02:26:35 14:48:53.0 02:40:42
310 Chung Ting Mok M30-39 134 134 41 00:28:22 02:53:24 04:22:30 04:40:09 02:53:56 15:18:21.0 03:10:10
301 Man Hon Chu M30-39 135 135 42 00:30:37 02:54:56 04:29:14 04:30:40 02:59:36 15:25:03.0 03:16:52
422 Eddie Ng Yoong M40-49 136 136 37 00:31:23 03:14:02 04:24:07 04:30:05 02:47:10 15:26:47.0 03:06:09
438 Mark Anthony Fourie M40-49 137 137 38 00:30:43 02:54:33 04:10:39 04:59:15 02:58:31 15:33:41.0 03:13:03
451 Ray Wang M40-49 138 138 39 00:31:00 03:10:36 04:27:46 04:17:30 03:09:35 15:36:27.0 03:15:49
325 Ho Tong Pui Branden M30-39 139 139 43 00:28:45 02:53:10 04:24:42 04:58:52 02:59:36 15:45:05.0 03:36:54
321 Drabir Alam M30-39 140 140 44 00:30:43 02:54:47 04:41:30 04:49:15 02:58:09 15:54:24.0 03:46:13
456 Tham King Hing M40-49 141 141 40 00:29:08 03:04:12 04:26:23 04:51:14 03:03:47 15:54:44.0 03:34:06
406 Kin Man Au M40-49 142 142 41 00:30:14 03:21:04 04:26:54 04:16:52 03:22:00 15:57:04.0 03:36:26
412 Arend Erik Groen M40-49 143 143 42 00:30:53 02:54:33 04:27:44 04:59:15 03:13:01 16:05:26.0 03:44:48
416 Chin San Lin M40-49 144 144 43 00:29:05 03:03:15 04:31:03 05:08:52 03:11:23 16:23:38.0 04:03:00
169 Shankar Jayaraman OPEN 145 145 58 00:28:24 02:51:07 04:36:47 05:18:51 03:12:14 16:27:23.0 04:48:13
350 Rushit Davda M30-39 146 146 45 00:28:21 03:36:45 04:43:51 04:47:14 02:58:35 16:34:46.0 04:26:35
105 Abu Obaida OPEN 147 147 59 00:32:48 03:10:44 04:37:20 05:18:51 03:01:08 16:40:51.0 05:01:41
184 Vivek Bhateja OPEN 148 148 60 00:27:19 02:51:07 04:57:43 05:18:51 03:12:14 16:47:14.0 05:08:04
172 Siva Sai Nellore OPEN 149 149 61 00:31:40 03:28:50 04:37:47 05:18:51 03:12:14 17:09:22.0 05:30:12
183 Vikram Raman OPEN 150 150 62 00:34:10 03:51:48 05:21:30 05:01:08 03:43:30 18:32:06.0 06:52:56