Adriana ROJAS CRC 33 1:12:48 60 60
2 Pilar CORVALAN CHI 28 1:18:44 40 40
3 Maria José Segura CRC 19 1:25:03 30 30
4 Angie GÓMEZ HON 21 1:27:25 25 25
5 Sofia MORALES CRC 26 1:28:00 20 20
6 Olga RODAS GUA 35 1:30:07 18 18
7 Kennia VARGAS CRC 20 1:31:14 16 16
8 Johanna JIMENEZ ROJAS CRC 19 14 14
9 Milena FARFAN PINZÓN COL 27 12 12
10 Lisbeth ALVARADO CRC 36 10 10
Age*: according to UCI Regulations, PaR: UCI points according to Rank, PcR: UCI points calculated in Ranking:
* Not allowed to receive points
** Not amongst best results