1 Matias COMBA ARG 18 1:00:09 20 20
2 Nacho ROBLES ARG 18 1:00:10 18 18
3 Ignacio MAYORE ARG 17 1:01:24 16 16
4 Jose Nicolas PALLARES PAZ ARG 17 1:03:22 14 14
5 Santiago MEDINA ARG 17 1:03:45 12 12
6 Tomas QUERO ARG 18 1:05:34 10 10
7 Juan Martin RICO ARG 17 1:05:42 8 8
8 Tomas Ignacio GASTALDI ARG 17 1:10:13 6 6
9 Tomas CARDENAS ARG 18 1:12:00 4 4
Age*: according to UCI Regulations, PaR: UCI points according to Rank, PcR: UCI points calculated in Ranking:
* Not allowed to receive points
** Not amongst best results