1 Buckley,Alan GRE Greenmount CA 08’25.20″
2 Conheady,Finbar BUA Burren CC A 08’55.46″ @30.26″
3 Aherne,Joe CRA Cashel Rock Ped 08’55.56″ @30.36″
4 Hart,Richard LUC Lucan Cycling R 08’56.15″ @30.95″
5 Flanagan,Neil DRA Drogheda Wheele 08’59.75″ @34.55″
6 Power,John REV Revolution CC 09’05.30″ @40.10″
7 Hickey,Alan ORW Scott Orwell A 09’05.77″ @40.57″
8 Howard,Gearoid BUA Burren CC A 09’06.71″ @41.51″
9 Cooke,Padraig SHA Shannonside CC 09’10.88″ @45.68″
10 Murphy,Albert DOL Dolmen CC 09’13.26″ @48.06″
11 Benson,Alan LIA Limerick CC A 09’14.49″ @49.29″
12 Leahy,Cian KAN O’Leary Stone K 09’14.56″ @49.36″
13 Keane,Maurice LAK Lakeland CC 09’16.14″ @50.94″
14 Keohane,Don BAA Bandon CC A 09’16.48″ @51.28″
15 Hannon,Paul DRB DRVC B 09’17.46″ @52.26″
16 Twomey,John BLA Blarney CC 09’19.39″ @54.19″
17 O’Connor,Liam KIL Killdorrery CC 09’22.19″ @56.99″
18 Fogerty,Karl CRA CRNS A 09’23.06″ @57.86″
19 Berry,Dave LIA Limerick CC A 09’23.11″ @57.91″
20 Hynes,Owen TIP North Tipperary 09’23.44″ @58.24″
21 Lyons,Stephen DOL Dolmen CC 09’24.43″ @59.23″
22 Willett,Pat DOL Dolmen CC 09’25.34″ @01’00.14
23 Clohessy,Joe UDC UDCC 09’27.39″ @01’02.19
24 Donovan,David UDC UDCC 09’28.05″ @01’02.85
25 Cosgrove,Kieran CKR CKR CC 09’28.43″ @01’03.23
26 Heffernan,Alan OTH Over the Hill C 09’32.64″ @01’07.44
27 O’Sullivan,Dennis DRB DRVC B 09’34.84″ @01’09.64
28 Scannell,David DRB DRVC B 09’35.01″ @01’09.81
29 Byrne,Gavin DRA Drogheda Wheele 09’37.01″ @01’11.81
30 Wall,Darren SHE Sheelin CC 09’37.98″ @01’12.78
31 Barrocoso,David CAR Carrigdhoun CC 09’38.69″ @01’13.49
32 Bresnan,Richard TIP Tipp Wheelers 09’39.15″ @01’13.95
33 Greene,Barry ORW Scott Orwell A 09’41.68″ @01’16.48
34 O,Donnell,Jack DRB Drogheda Whls B 09’43.99″ @01’18.79
35 Kennedy,Donnchadh CRA Cashel Rock Ped 09’47.03″ @01’21.83
36 Genockey,Gareth UDC UDCC 09’47.11″ @01’21.91
37 Quirke,Garry CRA Cashel Rock Ped 09’48.29″ @01’23.09
38 Moloney,John BUA Burren CC A 09’49.78″ @01’24.58
39 Griffin,Dwayne U/A U/A 09’51.22″ @01’26.02
40 Murphy,Billy KIL Killmallock CC 09’51.52″ @01’26.32
41 Brophy,Adam BAA Bandon CC A 09’51.89″ @01’26.69
42 McEntee,Brendan DRA Drogheda Wheele 09’53.15″ @01’27.95
43 Santos,Francisco NCB NCW B 09’55.26″ @01’30.06
44 Fitzgerald,Ciaran LIM Limerick CC 09’58.33″ @01’33.13
45 O’Riordan,PJ NEW Newcastle West 09’59.87″ @01’34.67
46 Cusack,Ross GRE Greenmount CA 10’01.35″ @01’36.15
47 Moloney,Kevin CRN CRNS 10’01.61″ @01’36.41
48 Breen,Pat TIP Tipp Wheelers 10’01.63″ @01’36.43
49 Frawley,Cillian GRE Greenmount CA 10’02.39″ @01’37.19
50 Fields,Mike NEW Newcastle West 10’03.28″ @01’38.08
51 O’Brien,Andrew DRB Drogheda Whls B 10’04.46″ @01’39.26
52 Bermingham,Jack DRA DRVC A 10’05.40″ @01’40.20
53 Rea,Terrence DRB DRVC B 10’07.56″ @01’42.36
54 Ralph,Ken BUR Burren CC 10’08.14″ @01’42.94
55 Harrold,Sean NEW Newcastle West 10’10.27″ @01’45.07
56 Shine,Declan BLA Blarney CC 10’11.89″ @01’46.69
57 Cahalane,Anthony CCC Cork County CC 10’16.09″ @01’50.89
58 Farrelly,Gary OLA Oldcastle CC A 10’16.66″ @01’51.46
59 Harrington,Noel CRA CRNS A 10’17.32″ @01’52.12
60 Cummins,Sean TIP Tipp Wheelers 10’18.14″ @01’52.94
61 O’Sullivan,Jerry BLA Blarney CC 10’18.53″ @01’53.33
62 Lynch,Sean DRB Drogheda Whls B 10’18.92″ @01’53.72
63 Quilligan,James NCB NCW B 10’24.48″ @01’59.28
64 Kilackey,Will NEN Nenagh CC 10’25.11″ @01’59.91
65 McCourt Lenihan,Ben DRB Drogheda Whls B 10’25.54″ @02’00.34
66 Fagan,Declan LIA Limerick CC A 10’26.38″ @02’01.18
67 O’Sullivan,Sean BAA Bandon CC A 10’32.04″ @02’06.84
68 Gannon,Damien SWO McNally Swords 10’43.60″ @02’18.40
69 Blenkilshop,Dwayne NEW Newcastle West 10’58.55″ @02’33.35
70 Hickey,Shay LIA Limerick CC A 11’06.23″ @02’41.03
71 O’Higgins,Cahir ORW Scott Orwell A 12’41.80″ @04’16.60
72 McLoughlin,Milo RAP Raparee Cycle C 15’41.00″ @07’15.80
— Ryan,Gearoid RAP Raparee Cycle C 15’41.00″ @ s/t
General Classification
1 Buckley,Alan 4 Greenmount CA 2h29’02”
2 Conheady,Finbar 4 Burren CC A 2h29’31” @29″
3 Aherne,Joe 4 Cashel Rock Pedd 2h29’32” @30″
4 Hart,Richard 4 Lucan Cycling Ro 2h29’33” @31″
5 Flanagan,Neil 4 Drogheda Wheeler 2h29’36” @34″
6 Power,John 4 Revolution CC 2h29’42” @40″
7 Hickey,Alan 4 Scott Orwell A 2h29’42” = s/t
8 Cooke,Padraig 4 Shannonside CC 2h29’47” @45″
9 Murphy,Albert 4 Dolmen CC 2h29’50” @48″
10 Benson,Alan 4 Limerick CC A 2h29’51” @49″
11 Leahy,Cian 4 O’Leary Stone Ka 2h29’51” = s/t
12 Keane,Maurice 4 Lakeland CC 2h29’53” @51″
13 Keohane,Don 4 Bandon CC A 2h29’53” = s/t
14 Hannon,Paul 4 DRVC B 2h29’54” @52″
15 Twomey,John 4 Blarney CC 2h29’56” @54″
16 O’Connor,Liam 4 Killdorrery CC 2h29’59” @57″
17 Fogerty,Karl 4 CRNS A 2h30’00” @58″
18 Berry,Dave 4 Limerick CC A 2h30’00” = s/t
19 Hynes,Owen 4 North Tipperary 2h30’00” = s/t
20 Lyons,Stephen 4 Dolmen CC 2h30’01” @59″
21 Willett,Pat 4 Dolmen CC 2h30’02” @01’00”
22 Donovan,David 4 UDCC 2h30’05” @01’03”
23 Cosgrove,Kieran 4 CKR CC 2h30’05” = s/t
24 O’Sullivan,Dennis 4 DRVC B 2h30’11” @01’09”
25 Scannell,David 4 DRVC B 2h30’12” @01’10”
26 Byrne,Gavin 4 Drogheda Wheeler 2h30’14” @01’12”
27 Wall,Darren 4 Sheelin CC 2h30’14” = s/t
28 Bresnan,Richard 4 Tipp Wheelers 2h30’16” @01’14”
29 Greene,Barry 4 Scott Orwell A 2h30’18” @01’16”
30 Moloney,John 4 Burren CC A 2h30’26” @01’24”
31 Griffin,Dwayne 4 U/A 2h30’28” @01’26”
32 Murphy,Billy 4 Killmallock CC 2h30’28” = s/t
33 Brophy,Adam 4 Bandon CC A 2h30’28” = s/t
34 McEntee,Brendan 4 Drogheda Wheeler 2h30’30” @01’28”
35 Santos,Francisco 4 NCW B 2h30’32” @01’30”
36 O’Riordan,PJ 4 Newcastle West A 2h30’36” @01’34”
37 Cusack,Ross J Greenmount CA 2h30’38” @01’36”
38 Moloney,Kevin 4 CRNS 2h30’38” = s/t
39 Frawley,Cillian J Greenmount CA 2h30’39” @01’37”
40 Fields,Mike 4 Newcastle West A 2h30’40” @01’38”
41 O’Brien,Andrew 4 Drogheda Whls B 2h30’41” @01’39”
42 Rea,Terrence 4 DRVC B 2h30’44” @01’42”
43 Harrold,Sean 4 Newcastle West A 2h30’47” @01’45”
44 Shine,Declan 4 Blarney CC 2h30’48” @01’46”
45 Cahalane,Anthony 4 Cork County CC 2h30’53” @01’51”
46 Harrington,Noel 4 CRNS A 2h30’54” @01’52”
47 Quilligan,James 4 NCW B 2h31’01” @01’59”
48 Kilackey,Will 4 Nenagh CC 2h31’02” @02’00”
49 Fagan,Declan 4 Limerick CC A 2h31’03” @02’01”
50 O’Sullivan,Sean J Bandon CC A 2h31’09” @02’07”
51 Gannon,Damien 4 McNally Swords 2h31’20” @02’18”
52 Hickey,Shay 4 Limerick CC A 2h31’43” @02’41”
53 Genockey,Gareth 4 UDCC 2h31’46” @02’44”
54 Bermingham,Jack 4 DRVC A 2h32’04” @03’02”
55 Cummins,Sean 4 Tipp Wheelers 2h32’17” @03’15”
56 Fitzgerald,Ciaran 4 Limerick CC 2h32’41” @03’39”
57 O’Higgins,Cahir 4 Scott Orwell A 2h33’18” @04’16”
58 McLoughlin,Milo 4 Raparee Cycle Cl 2h36’18” @07’16”
59 Ryan,Gearoid 4 Raparee Cycle Cl 2h36’18” = s/t
60 Clohessy,Joe 4 UDCC 2h36’23” @07’21”
61 Heffernan,Alan 4 Over the Hill CC 2h39’32” @10’30”
62 Breen,Pat 4 Tipp Wheelers 2h40’01” @10’59”
63 McCourt Lenihan,Ben 4 Drogheda Whls B 2h40’25” @11’23”
64 O’Sullivan,Jerry 4 Blarney CC 2h43’27” @14’25”
65 Howard,Gearoid 4 Burren CC A 2h43’54” @14’52”
66 O,Donnell,Jack 4 Drogheda Whls B 2h44’53” @15’51”
67 Kennedy,Donnchadh 4 Cashel Rock Pedd 2h44’57” @15’55”
68 Blenkilshop,Dwayne 4 Newcastle West A 2h45’46” @16’44”
69 Farrelly,Gary 4 Oldcastle CC A 2h46’35” @17’33”
70 Lynch,Sean 4 Drogheda Whls B 2h46’37” @17’35”
71 Barrocoso,David 4 Carrigdhoun CC 2h47’36” @18’34”
72 Ralph,Ken 4 Burren CC 2h48’06” @19’04”
73 Quirke,Garry 4 Cashel Rock Pedd 2h49’54” @20’52”