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Nationalt mesterskab, Cykelcross, Elite, New Zealand 2016
1 Brendon Sharratt
2 Sam Gardner
3 Ryan Christensen
4 Tristan Rawlence
5 Gary Hall
6 Matt Dewes
7 Roman Van Uden
8 Alex Revell
9 Callum Chamberlain
10 Kieran Foley
11 Chris Sharland
12 Tom Lynsky
13 Tadeas Mejdr
14 Dan Warren
15 Logan Horn
16 Patrick Crowe Rishworth
17 Matt Disney
18 Richard Hoskin
19 Cameron Wood
20 Dave Hedley
21 Andy King Close
Fotoalbum Nationalt mesterskab, Cykelcross, Elite, New Zealand 2016
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