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Chris Ewers 1:24:04
Brendon Madden-Smith 1:24:04
Michael Madden-Smith 1:24:04
Calvin Bartley 1:24:04
John Birnie 1:27:03
Graham Rope 1:28:31
Tim Robertson 1:28:31
Roger Matheson 1:29:38
Brent Thomas 1:29:38
Roderick Hill 1:30:13
Greg Cairns 1:30:13
Elia Lasa 1:31:06
Tandem 1:31:30
Robert Te Moana 1:32:46
Nicki Sutherlan 1:32:46
Juliette Lister 1:33:41
Jodie Stewart 1:36:04
Sam Maoga 1:36:09
James Collinson Smith 1:36:20
Daniel Afoa 1:39:12
Martin Crundy 1:40:52
Tania Larkin 1:41:02
Fay McGregor 1:46:33
Rick Johnston 1:50:40
Dave Bowen 1:50:40
Tony King 1:50:40
Teresa Wilkinson 1:50:40
Sheri Wales 3:00:00
Brian Graham 3:00:00 Close
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