1 Clever Martinez
Rockland Cycling Velo
192 30 30 15 27 25 8 17 15 25 192
2 Ethan Craine
New England Development P/B cad
151 2 25 25 23 23 19 5 8 21 151
3 Cesar Marte
Rockland Cycling Velo
145 10 27 30 30 21 27 145
4 Connor Sallee
ButcherBox Cycling
141 25 27 23 9 17 27 13 141
5 Hayden Strong
Project Echelon Racing
124 27 19 9 13 7 13 19 17 124
6 Ezra Sonderling
112 4 10 21 21 17 30 9 112
7 Thomas Gibbons
Automatic Racing
90 30 5 13 23 19 90
8 Adam Myerson
85 9 23 19 13 7 8 6 85
9 Alexander Chrystall
New England Devo p/b Cadence We
82 8 5 17 27 21 4 82
10 Curtis White
Cannondale p/b Cyclocrossworld.
78 17 7 6 25 23 78
11 Peter Olejniczak
Project Echelon Racing
73 30 13 30 73
12 Patrick Jungenblut
Team Velocause
68 8 6 10 8 15 4 3 11 3 68
13 Dante Young
66 13 7 27 19 66
14 Brandon Feehery
Project Echelon Racing
65 10 30 10 15 65
15 John Heinlein iii
Project Echelon Racing
65 25 30 10 65
16 Oliver Flautt
ButcherBox Cycling
61 9 25 27 61
17 Lance Abshire
STRIKE Cycling Team
61 17 11 3 8 7 7 8 61
18 Lucas Stierwalt
DDP Cycling Team
54 9 10 8 2 4 10 11 54
19 Brenden Hardy
Above and Beyond Cancer p/b Bik
54 6 21 5 6 6 5 5 54
20 Vivien Rindisbacher
New England Development P/B cad
49 4 1 17 27 49
21 Johnathan Freter
11Eleven Cycling - SLF Motion
44 21 23 44
22 Robert White
Athletes by Design
43 25 13 5 43
23 Geony Borrego lee
Rockland Cycling Velo
43 3 21 19 43
24 Ismael Collado acosta
Rockland Cycling Velo
43 19 15 9 43
25 Dalton Collins
Automatic Racing
40 15 2 23 40
26 Chaz Hogenauer
Rio Grande Elite Cycling
38 21 17 38
27 Kyle Tiesler
BSCG / Support Clean Sport / Gu
36 11 21 4 36
28 Mark Morton
Performance Bicycle Race Team
33 1 15 9 1 7 33
29 Chad Burdzilauskas
Davis Phinney Foundation Maste
33 3 17 13 33
30 Alexander Marr
Rio Grande Elite Cycling Team
31 6 25 31
31 Samuel Janisch
Hagens Berman Axeon
28 23 5 28
32 William Hardin
Project Echelon Racing
28 19 9 28
33 Matt Usborne
Above and Beyond Cancer p/b Bik
23 23 23
34 Henry York
Rio Grande Elite Cycling
23 19 4 23
35 Timmy Bauer
Above and Beyond Cancer p/b Bik
19 5 7 7 19
36 Brendan Cowley
Above and Beyond Cancer p/b Bik
18 7 11 18
37 Caleb Langley
First Internet Bank Cycling
17 15 2 17
38 Cesar alberto Mendez barajas
16 1 13 2 16
39 Josh Chu
New England Devo p/b Cadence We
16 3 6 3 1 3 16
40 Mcaben Prince
New England Development P/B cad
15 1 2 2 2 1 6 1 15
41 Eric Hill
Project Echelon Racing
15 15 15
42 Amai Rawls
Texas RoadHouse
15 15 15
43 Michael Lucas
Adapt Cycling
14 4 4 6 14
44 Aaron Beebe
Texas Roadhouse Cycling Team
12 9 3 12
45 David alejandro Gonzalez suesca
Club Orius
11 11 11
46 Lucas Strain
Good Guys
11 11 11
47 Peter Behm
Rio Grande Elite Cycling Team
11 11 11
48 Chad Hartley
Adapt Cycling
11 11 11
49 Ama Nsek
11 11 11
50 David Kuester
Fount Cycling Guild
10 10 10
51 Grant Simonds
Above and Beyond Cancer p/b Bik
10 10 10
52 Daxton Mock
Bear Professional Team
8 8 8
53 Simon Jones
Hagens Berman Axeon (UCI CT)
6 4 2 6
54 Nathan Guerra
Broken Spoke Racing
5 5 5
55 Emmett Culp
Digital Commerce Bank
3 3 3
56 Cesar Gallego
ButcherBox Cycling
2 2 2
57 Dan Ajer
Super squadra
1 1 1
58 Jason Tinkov
New England Devo p/b Cadence We
1 1 1