1st 1070 Verswijver, Keaton 15 Male 19 and under 08:00:00 10:12:03 2:12:03 Racing Apparel / Melo Velo
2nd 1092 Soehnel, Reed 34 Male 30-39 08:00:00 10:12:15 2:12:15 RA Racong Apparel
3rd 1059 Tann, Guy 51 Male 50-59 08:00:00 10:17:16 2:17:16 Red Rock Roasters Coffee
4th 1074 Lopez, Silvio 49 Male 40-49 08:00:00 10:17:17 2:17:17
5th 1085 Albright, Greg 25 Male 20-29 08:00:00 10:17:46 2:17:46 ZiaVelo Cycling
6th 1031 Scheff, Rick 34 Male 30-39 08:00:00 10:18:43 2:18:43 Holloman MTB Club
7th 1087 Yellowman, Ty 25 Male 20-29 08:00:00 10:19:09 2:19:09 Bisti Bicycles
8th 1035 Aragon, Gabriel 58 Male 50-59 08:00:00 10:19:11 2:19:11 Red Rock Roasters
9th 1076 Heck, John 60 Male 60-69 08:00:00 10:19:13 2:19:13 Sport Systems 505 Cycling
10th 1084 LeBlanc, Robert 57 Male 50-59 08:00:00 10:19:18 2:19:18 Red Rock Roasters
11th 1029 Yeatts, Stan 69 Male 60-69 08:00:00 10:20:17 2:20:17 Bike N Sport Racing
12th 1088 Woody, Thaddeus 34 Male 30-39 08:00:00 10:21:27 2:21:27 PPCC
13th 1106 Word-Brown, Merrick 17 Male 19 and under 08:00:00 10:21:29 2:21:29
14th 1118 Bencomo, Jesus 52 Male 50-59 08:00:00 10:21:30 2:21:30
15th 1054 Sandoval, Sheldon 38 Male 30-39 08:00:00 10:21:34 2:21:34 Bisti Bicycles
16th 1082 Olsen, Joshua 33 Male 30-39 08:00:00 10:21:42 2:21:42 Ship of Fools
17th 1053 Conover, Mark 61 Male 60-69 08:00:00 10:21:47 2:21:47
18th 1058 Ross, Jaycob 41 Male 40-49 08:00:00 10:25:05 2:25:05
19th 1032 Cox, Haden 24 Male 20-29 08:00:00 10:28:35 2:28:35 Bisti Bicycles
20th 1016 Webster, Kirk 64 Male 60-69 08:00:00 10:29:23 2:29:23 Creekside Steel Cycling Club
21st 1069 Valdes, Norberto 65 Male 60-69 08:00:00 10:30:42 2:30:42
22nd 1111 Assali, Said 40 Male 40-49 08:00:00 10:31:26 2:31:26
23rd 1055 Keller, John 54 Male 50-59 08:00:00 10:32:50 2:32:50
24th 1115 Weberg, Alexander 30 Male 30-39 08:00:00 10:33:36 2:33:36
25th 1063 Damiano, Guy 70 Male 70+ 08:00:00 10:34:11 2:34:11
26th 1099 Rosales, Ruben 58 Male 50-59 08:00:00 10:34:12 2:34:12
27th 1083 Schubach, Ben 16 Male 19 and under 08:00:00 10:35:50 2:35:50
28th 1101 Thornally, Jake 25 Male 20-29 08:00:00 10:35:52 2:35:52
29th 2142 Rajanna, Kris 50 Male 50-59 08:00:00 10:38:30 2:38:30
30th 1012 Burk, Xavier 22 Male 20-29 08:00:00 10:40:43 2:40:43 We Ride 4
31st 1041 McCormick, Mark 64 Male 60-69 08:00:00 10:41:09 2:41:09
32nd 1013 Brauer, James 69 Male 60-69 08:00:00 10:41:26 2:41:26
33rd 1047 Riley, Mark 69 Male 60-69 08:00:00 10:41:40 2:41:40 Sports System 505 Racing Team
34th 1079 Wilhoite, Scott 54 Male 50-59 08:00:00 10:42:04 2:42:04 IPA Racong
35th 1119 Futch, Steven 33 Male 30-39 08:00:00 10:42:31 2:42:31
36th 1048 Bendicksen, Perry 66 Male 60-69 08:00:00 10:42:53 2:42:53
37th 1090 Holmquist, Jon 70 Male 70+ 08:00:00 10:44:33 2:44:33
38th 1045 Garcia, Eduardo 49 Male 40-49 08:00:00 10:44:49 2:44:49
39th 1122 Fontana, Jean Paul 51 Male 50-59 08:00:00 10:44:53 2:44:53
40th 1020 Wollerman, Paul 66 Male 60-69 08:00:00 10:47:24 2:47:24 Rocky Mountain Road Club
41st 1075 Gonzalez, Pedro 52 Male 50-59 08:00:00 10:47:34 2:47:34
42nd 1030 Thornally, Craig 66 Male 60-69 08:00:00 10:47:45 2:47:45
43rd 1117 Teller, Nate 44 Male 40-49 08:00:00 10:49:10 2:49:10
44th 1066 Kennebrew Jr, Garry 36 Male 30-39 08:00:00 10:50:45 2:50:45
45th 1109 Barrett, John 59 Male 50-59 08:00:00 10:53:07 2:53:07
46th 1056 Olausson, Orion 17 Male 19 and under 08:00:00 10:55:10 2:55:10
47th 1077 Dry, Randall 48 Male 40-49 08:00:00 10:59:02 2:59:02
48th 1068 MILLER, DAVID 52 Male 50-59 08:00:00 10:59:24 2:59:24
49th 1039 Balcita, Jason 37 Male 30-39 08:00:00 10:59:48 2:59:48
50th 1042 Van Gysel, Jens 27 Male 20-29 08:00:00 10:59:59 2:59:59
51st 1034 Stiffler, Zachary 27 Male 20-29 08:00:00 11:00:24 3:00:24
52nd 24 Gingg, Rocky 69 Male 60-69 08:00:00 11:00:33 3:00:33 Del Rio Dairy
53rd 1062 Utsey, John 50 Male 50-59 08:00:00 11:01:35 3:01:35
54th 1049 Long, Tommy 37 Male 30-39 08:00:00 11:01:37 3:01:37
55th 1096 Baca, Rick 65 Male 60-69 08:00:00 11:03:14 3:03:14
56th 1064 Chavez, Angel 54 Male 50-59 08:00:00 11:03:37 3:03:37 VIE13
57th 1080 Barnes, Kevin 32 Male 30-39 08:00:00 11:03:41 3:03:41
58th 1071 Dobesh, Duane 71 Male 70+ 08:00:00 11:06:29 3:06:29
59th 1072 Shaeffer, David 47 Male 40-49 08:00:00 11:07:33 3:07:33 Pagosa Mountain Sports
60th 1067 Ahrens, James 55 Male 50-59 08:00:00 11:08:02 3:08:02
61st 1093 Finley, David 69 Male 60-69 08:00:00 11:09:10 3:09:10
62nd 1086 Clark, Joe 54 Male 50-59 08:00:00 11:09:23 3:09:23
63rd 1051 Ross, Jeremiah 28 Male 20-29 08:00:00 11:11:23 3:11:23
64th 1001 Boulton, Jeff 46 Male 40-49 08:00:00 11:13:37 3:13:37
65th 1046 Fowler, Chris 47 Male 40-49 08:00:00 11:18:11 3:18:11
66th 1044 Dentinger, Ronald 56 Male 50-59 08:00:00 11:19:37 3:19:37
67th 1104 Crowell, Gary 56 Male 50-59 08:00:00 11:27:28 3:27:28
68th 2145 Romero, Randon 36 Male 30-39 08:00:00 11:28:42 3:28:42
69th 1102 Rodewald, James 63 Male 60-69 08:00:00 11:33:30 3:33:30
70th 1018 Trujillo, Andrew 30 Male 30-39 08:00:00 11:33:40 3:33:40
71st 1006 Lyon, Jim 61 Male 60-69 08:00:00 11:37:58 3:37:58
72nd 1023 Nido, Roque 48 Male 40-49 08:00:00 11:40:45 3:40:45
73rd 1022 Davis, Michael 56 Male 50-59 08:00:00 12:06:29 4:06:29
74th 1116 Puglisi, Charles 61 Male 60-69 08:00:00 12:10:46 4:10:46
75th 1028 Bishop, Elisha 34 Male 30-39 08:00:00 12:15:57 4:15:57 Ride For Racial Justice
76th 1061 Koerper, Karl 63 Male 60-69 08:00:00 12:32:54 4:32:54 Organ Mountain Cycling