Tunbridge Wells (Kent), Storbritannien

On this page you can add a memo about Tunbridge Wells , concerning cycling. Some things we have already noted: the starts and finishes of races. Riders that were born or deceased here are also mentioned. But there is probably more to tell. Major or minor events in cycling? Cute and less fun cycling facts? Is or was here a racing track? Are there other facilities for cyclists?

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Born and died in Tunbridge Wells

Tunbridge Wells was the place of start/arrival for:


1966 Place of departure and arrival for Tonbridge : Bob Addy
1969 Place of departure and arrival for 2. etape Tonbridge : Doug Dailey
1971 Place of departure and arrival for Tonbridge : John Lyons
1971 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Tonbridge : John Sargeant
1971 Place of departure and arrival for 2. etape Tonbridge : Frank Mather
1971 Place of departure and arrival for 3. etape Tonbridge : Gary Smith
1972 Place of departure and arrival for Tonbridge : Steve Beech
1972 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Tonbridge : Dari Kasprowicz
1972 Place of departure and arrival for 2. etape Tonbridge : Alan Clarke
1972 Place of departure and arrival for 3. etape Tonbridge : Colin Christie
1973 Place of departure and arrival for Tonbridge : Ray Palin
1973 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Tonbridge : Ray Runham
1973 Place of departure and arrival for 2. etape Tonbridge : Ray Runham
1973 Place of departure and arrival for 3. etape Tonbridge : Ray Palin
1973 Place of departure and arrival for 4. etape Tonbridge : John Sargeant
1976 Place of departure and arrival for Tonbridge : Paul Carbutt
1976 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Tonbridge : Ray Palin
1976 Place of departure and arrival for 2. etape Tonbridge : Paul Carbutt
1976 Place of departure and arrival for 3. etape Tonbridge : Bob Leach
1976 Place of departure and arrival for 4. etape Tonbridge : Paul Carbutt
1977 Place of departure for Tonbridge : Kieron Parkinson
1978 Place of departure for Tonbridge : Neil Martin
1978 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Tonbridge : Glenn Read

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