Pero Pinheiro (Lisboa), Portugal

On this page you can add a memo about Pero Pinheiro , concerning cycling. Some things we have already noted: the starts and finishes of races. Riders that were born or deceased here are also mentioned. But there is probably more to tell. Major or minor events in cycling? Cute and less fun cycling facts? Is or was here a racing track? Are there other facilities for cyclists?

Pero Pinheiro Fotoalbum

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Born and died in Pero Pinheiro

Pero Pinheiro was the place of start/arrival for:

GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi

1999 Place of departure for 1. etape GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Aitor Silloniz
1999 Place of departure and arrival for 2. etape GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Youri Sourkov
1999 Place of departure for 3. etape GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Sergei Smetanine
2000 Place of departure and arrival for 2. etape GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Sergei Smetanine
2000 Place of departure for 3. etape GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : José Enrique Gutiérrez
2001 Place of arrival for 2. etape del A GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : René Andrle
2001 Place of arrival for 2. etape del A GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : José Iván Gutiérrez
2001 Place of arrival for 2. etape del A GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Álvaro González De Galdeano
2001 Place of arrival for 2. etape del A GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Iván Parra
2001 Place of arrival for 2. etape del A GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Gaizka Lejarreta
2001 Place of departure and arrival for 2. etape del B GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Juan Antonio Flecha
2001 Place of departure for 3. etape GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Ángel Edo
2002 Place of departure for 2. etape GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Rui Sousa
2002 Place of arrival for 3. etape del A GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Dariusz Baranowski
2002 Place of arrival for 3. etape del A GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Juan Antonio Flecha
2002 Place of arrival for 3. etape del A GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Patxi Vila
2002 Place of arrival for 3. etape del A GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Tomasz Brożyna
2002 Place of arrival for 3. etape del A GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Eladio Jiménez
2002 Place of arrival for 3. etape del A GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Javier Pascual
2002 Place of departure and arrival for 3. etape del B GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Dariusz Baranowski
2003 Place of departure and arrival for 2. etape GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Rui Sousa
2003 Place of departure for 3. etape GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Ángel Edo
2003 Place of departure for 4. etape GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Ángel Edo
2004 Place of departure for 2. etape GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Carlos Torrent
2004 Place of departure and arrival for 3. etape GP Internacional MR Cortez-Mitsubishi : Pedro Cardoso

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