Hoeilaart (Brabant), Belgien

On this page you can add a memo about Hoeilaart , concerning cycling. Some things we have already noted: the starts and finishes of races. Riders that were born or deceased here are also mentioned. But there is probably more to tell. Major or minor events in cycling? Cute and less fun cycling facts? Is or was here a racing track? Are there other facilities for cyclists?

Hoeilaart Fotoalbum

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Hoeilaart was the place of start/arrival for:

Hoeilaart, Amateurs

1956 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Guillaume Demaer
1958 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Willy Vanden Berghen
1960 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Leopold Verdeyen
1966 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Frans Verstraeten
1967 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Frans Verstraeten
1987 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Patrick Schoovaerts
1987 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Joseph Parkin
1994 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Greg Moens
1995 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Jarno Vanfrachem
1995 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Hans Pijpers
1996 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Eddy Marien
1998 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Marc Patry
1998 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Henk van Hees
2001 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Jasper Mermans
2002 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Frederik Veuchelen
2002 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : David Meys
2005 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Bart Laeremans
2005 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Mario Ickx
2006 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Matti Helminen
2007 Place of departure and arrival for Hoeilaart, Amateurs : Anthony Van Den Berghe

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