Zeulenroda (Thuringen), Tyskland

On this page you can add a memo about Zeulenroda , concerning cycling. Some things we have already noted: the starts and finishes of races. Riders that were born or deceased here are also mentioned. But there is probably more to tell. Major or minor events in cycling? Cute and less fun cycling facts? Is or was here a racing track? Are there other facilities for cyclists?

Zeulenroda Fotoalbum

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Zeulenroda was the place of start/arrival for:

Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V)

1995 Place of arrival for Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Laura Charameda
1995 Place of departure for 1. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Laura Charameda
1995 Place of arrival for 4. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Petra Rossner
1995 Place of departure and arrival for 5. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Lynnette Nixon
2004 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Karin Thürig
2004 Place of arrival for 6. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Susanne Ljungskog
2005 Place of arrival for 6. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Edita Pucinskaite
2006 Place of departure for 1. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Angela Brodtka
2006 Place of arrival for 6. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Nicole Cooke
2007 Place of departure and arrival for 2. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Regina Schleicher
2007 Place of departure and arrival for 6. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Susanne Ljungskog
2008 Place of departure and arrival for 6. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Trixi Worrack
2011 Place of departure for 5. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Emma Pooley
2012 Place of departure and arrival for 6. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Jessie Daams
2013 Place of departure and arrival for 7. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Tatiana Guderzo
2014 Place of arrival for Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Evelyn Stevens
2014 Place of departure and arrival for 6. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Elke Gebhardt
2015 Place of departure and arrival for 4. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Lotta Henttala
2016 Place of departure and arrival for 4. etape Thüringen-Rundfahrt der Frauen (V) : Ellen Van Dijk

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