Tulle (Limousin), Frankrig

On this page you can add a memo about Tulle , concerning cycling. Some things we have already noted: the starts and finishes of races. Riders that were born or deceased here are also mentioned. But there is probably more to tell. Major or minor events in cycling? Cute and less fun cycling facts? Is or was here a racing track? Are there other facilities for cyclists?

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Tulle was the place of start/arrival for:

Tour du Limousin

1975 Place of departure for 1. etape Tour du Limousin : Francis Campaner
1975 Place of arrival for 4. etape Tour du Limousin : Jean-Louis Danguillaume
1979 Place of arrival for 4. etape Tour du Limousin : Patrick Friou
1979 Place of departure and arrival for 5. etape Tour du Limousin : Jean Chassang
1981 Place of arrival for 2. etape Tour du Limousin : Gilbert Duclos-Lassalle
1981 Place of departure for 3. etape Tour du Limousin : Gilbert Duclos-Lassalle
1982 Place of arrival for 2. etape Tour du Limousin : Jean-François Rault
1982 Place of departure for 3. etape Tour du Limousin : Hubert Linard
1983 Place of arrival for 1. etape Tour du Limousin : Alain Dithurbide
1983 Place of departure for 2. etape Tour du Limousin : Jean-Marie Grezet
1986 Place of arrival for 2. etape Tour du Limousin : Stephan Joho
1986 Place of departure for 3. etape Tour du Limousin : Acácio Da Silva
1987 Place of arrival for 3. etape Tour du Limousin : Stefan Van Leeuwe
1987 Place of arrival for 3. etape Tour du Limousin : Bruno Wojtinek
1987 Place of departure for 4. etape Tour du Limousin : Kim Andersen
1988 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Tour du Limousin : Joey McLoughlin
1989 Place of arrival for 2. etape Tour du Limousin : Vincent Comby
1989 Place of departure for 3. etape Tour du Limousin : Laurent Jalabert
1990 Place of departure for 4. etape Tour du Limousin : Jean-Cyril Robin
1991 Place of arrival for 2. etape Tour du Limousin : Olivier Ouvrard
1991 Place of departure for 3. etape Tour du Limousin : Pascal Simon
1993 Place of arrival for 2. etape Tour du Limousin : Jean-François Bernard
1993 Place of departure for 3. etape Tour du Limousin : Laurent Bezault
1997 Place of arrival for 2. etape Tour du Limousin : Frédéric Guesdon
1997 Place of departure for 3. etape Tour du Limousin : Lauri Aus
2000 Place of arrival for 3. etape Tour du Limousin : Aitor González
2000 Place of departure for 4. etape Tour du Limousin : Félix Cárdenas
2006 Place of departure for 2. etape Tour du Limousin : Noan Lelarge

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