's-Hertogenbosch (Noord-Brabant), Holland

On this page you can add a memo about 's-Hertogenbosch , concerning cycling. Some things we have already noted: the starts and finishes of races. Riders that were born or deceased here are also mentioned. But there is probably more to tell. Major or minor events in cycling? Cute and less fun cycling facts? Is or was here a racing track? Are there other facilities for cyclists?

's-Hertogenbosch Fotoalbum

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Born and died in 's-Hertogenbosch

's-Hertogenbosch was the place of start/arrival for:


1932 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Sylvère Maes
1934 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Sylvère Maes
1936 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Karel Kaers
1940 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Mathieu Jansen
1941 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Aad van Amsterdam
1942 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : John Braspennincx
1943 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Gerrit Schulte
1944 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Antoon Steenbakkers
1946 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Gerrit Schulte
1947 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Gerrit Schulte
1948 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Gerrit Schulte
1949 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Gerrit Schulte
1950 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Rik Van Steenbergen
1951 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Hub Vinken
1952 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Gerrit Voorting
1953 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Gerrit Schulte
1955 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Gerrit Schulte
1956 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Gerrit Schulte
1957 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Willy Schroeders
1958 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Gerrit Schulte
1959 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Gijs Pauw
1969 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Jan Van Katwijk
1980 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Piet Van Katwijk
1981 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Adrie Van Houwelingen
1982 Place of departure and arrival for 's-Hertogenbosch : Gerrie Knetemann

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