Granada (Andalucia), Spanien

On this page you can add a memo about Granada , concerning cycling. Some things we have already noted: the starts and finishes of races. Riders that were born or deceased here are also mentioned. But there is probably more to tell. Major or minor events in cycling? Cute and less fun cycling facts? Is or was here a racing track? Are there other facilities for cyclists?

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Born and died in Granada

Granada was the place of start/arrival for:

Vuelta a Andalucia

1955 Place of arrival for 2. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : José Gómez
1955 Place of departure for 3. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Jesús Galdeano
1956 Place of arrival for 2. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Miguel Bover
1956 Place of departure for 3. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : José Saura
1957 Place of arrival for 2. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : René Marigil
1958 Place of arrival for 2. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : José Gómez
1958 Place of departure for 3. etape del a Vuelta a Andalucia : Luis Domínguez
1959 Place of arrival for 2. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Joaquin Barcelo
1959 Place of departure for 3. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : José Gómez
1961 Place of arrival for 2. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Antonio Gómez
1961 Place of departure for 3. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Salvador Rosa
1962 Place of arrival for 2. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : José Antonio Momeñe
1962 Place of departure for 3. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Alberto Sant
1963 Place of arrival for 7. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Fernando Manzaneque
1963 Place of departure for 8. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Juan José Sagarduy
1964 Place of arrival for 2. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : José Antonio Momeñe
1965 Place of departure for 3. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : José Segu
1966 Place of arrival for 3. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Ángel Ibañez
1966 Place of departure for 4. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Luis Pedro Santamarina
1967 Place of arrival for 3. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Edward Sels
1967 Place of departure for 4. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Edward Sels
1968 Place of arrival for 2. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Luis Ocaña
1968 Place of departure for 3. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Walter Godefroot
1969 Place of arrival for 3. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : José Suria
1969 Place of departure for 4. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Jaime Fullana
1972 Place of arrival for 1. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Gerard Vianen
1972 Place of departure for 2. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Jan Krekels
1973 Place of arrival for 1. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Rik Van Linden
1973 Place of departure for 2. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Georges Pintens
1974 Place of arrival for 6. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Freddy Maertens
1974 Place of departure for 7. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Jaime Huelamo
1980 Place of arrival for 3. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Daniel Willems
1983 Place of arrival for 3. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Noël Dejonckheere
1984 Place of arrival for 4. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Jacques Van Meer
1985 Place of arrival for 5. etape del a Vuelta a Andalucia : Frank Hoste
1985 Place of departure and arrival for 5. etape del b Vuelta a Andalucia : Rolf Gölz
1986 Place of arrival for 5. etape del a Vuelta a Andalucia : Benny Van Brabant
1986 Place of departure and arrival for 5. etape del b Vuelta a Andalucia : Peter Hilse
1987 Place of arrival for 6. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Alfonso Gutiérrez
1987 Place of departure and arrival for 7. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Jean-Luc Vandenbroucke
1988 Place of departure for 3. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Alfonso Gutiérrez
1988 Place of arrival for 5. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Adrie Van Der Poel
1989 Place of arrival for 5. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Eric Vanderaerden
1990 Place of arrival for Vuelta a Andalucia : Olaf Ludwig
1990 Place of arrival for Vuelta a Andalucia : Miguel Ángel Martínez
1990 Place of arrival for Vuelta a Andalucia : Stéphane Guay
1990 Place of arrival for Vuelta a Andalucia : Fabrizio Bontempi
1990 Place of arrival for 6. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Kenneth Weltz
1991 Place of arrival for 6. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Melchor Mauri
1992 Place of arrival for 6. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Hendrik Redant
1993 Place of arrival for 6. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Frans Maassen
1994 Place of arrival for Vuelta a Andalucia : Stefano Della Santa
1994 Place of arrival for 6. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Adriano Baffi
1995 Place of arrival for Vuelta a Andalucia : Stefano Della Santa
1995 Place of arrival for 5. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Marc Wauters
1996 Place of arrival for 5. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Maarten Den Bakker
1997 Place of arrival for Vuelta a Andalucia : Erik Zabel
1997 Place of arrival for 5. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Johan Museeuw
1998 Place of arrival for 5. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Tom Steels
1999 Place of arrival for 5. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Tom Steels
2000 Place of arrival for 5. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Jo Planckaert
2001 Place of arrival for 5. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Mikel Artetxe
2002 Place of arrival for 5. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Erik Dekker
2003 Place of departure for 5. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Ruslan Ivanov
2005 Place of departure for 3. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Serge Baguet
2007 Place of departure for 2. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Óscar Freire
2009 Place of departure for 2. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Gert Steegmans
2017 Place of arrival for 1. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Alejandro Valverde
2018 Place of arrival for 1. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Thomas Boudat
2019 Place of arrival for 4. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Simon Yates
2020 Place of arrival for 4. etape Vuelta a Andalucia : Jack Haig

Vuelta a España

1935 Place of arrival for 10. etape Vuelta a España : Max Bulla
1935 Place of departure for 11. etape Vuelta a España : Gustaaf De Loor
1936 Place of arrival for 5. etape Vuelta a España : Vicente Carretero
1936 Place of departure for 6. etape Vuelta a España : Gustaaf De Loor
1945 Place of arrival for 6. etape Vuelta a España : Antonio Montes
1945 Place of departure for 7. etape Vuelta a España : Joaquín Olmos
1946 Place of arrival for 6. etape Vuelta a España : Jan Lambrichs
1946 Place of departure for 7. etape Vuelta a España : Dalmácio Langarica
1948 Place of arrival for 3. etape Vuelta a España : Dalmácio Langarica
1948 Place of departure for 4. etape Vuelta a España : Bernardo Ruiz
1948 Place of departure for 4. etape del a Vuelta a España : Dalmácio Langarica
1950 Place of arrival for 16. etape Vuelta a España : Alighiero Ridolfi
1950 Place of departure for 17. etape Vuelta a España : Umberto Drei
1959 Place of arrival for 4. etape Vuelta a España : Federico Bahamontes
1972 Place of arrival for 2. etape Vuelta a España : Gerard Vianen
1974 Place of arrival for 2. etape Vuelta a España : Eric Leman
1974 Place of departure for 3. etape Vuelta a España : Rik Van Linden
1975 Place of arrival for 2. etape Vuelta a España : Miguel María Lasa
1979 Place of departure for 4. etape Vuelta a España : Roger De Cnijf
1981 Place of arrival for 8. etape del a Vuelta a España : José María Yurrebaso
1981 Place of departure for 8. etape del b Vuelta a España : Giovanni Battaglin
1986 Place of departure for 18. etape Vuelta a España : Viktor Demidenko
1994 Place of departure for 6. etape Vuelta a España : Tony Rominger
1997 Place of arrival for 6. etape Vuelta a España : Laurent Jalabert
1997 Place of departure for 8. etape Vuelta a España : Bart Voskamp
1998 Place of arrival for 4. etape Vuelta a España : Fabrizio Guidi
2002 Place of departure for 6. etape Vuelta a España : Roberto Heras
2003 Place of departure for 17. etape Vuelta a España : David Millar
2004 Place of arrival for 14. etape Vuelta a España : Santiago Pérez
2004 Place of departure for 15. etape Vuelta a España : Santiago Pérez
2005 Place of departure for 1. etape Vuelta a España : Denis Menchov
2005 Place of departure for 2. etape Vuelta a España : Leonardo Bertagnolli
2006 Place of arrival for 17. etape Vuelta a España : Tom Danielson
2006 Place of departure for 18. etape Vuelta a España : Andrey Kashechkin
2007 Place of arrival for 15. etape Vuelta a España : Samuel Sánchez
2008 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Vuelta a España : Daniele Bennati
2008 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Vuelta a España : Valerio Agnoli
2008 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Vuelta a España : Claudio Corioni
2008 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Vuelta a España : Enrico Franzoi
2008 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Vuelta a España : Filippo Pozzato
2008 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Vuelta a España : Manuel Quinziato
2008 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Vuelta a España : Ivan Santaromita
2008 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Vuelta a España : Gorazd Stangelj
2008 Place of departure and arrival for 1. etape Vuelta a España : Alessandro Vanotti
2008 Place of departure for 2. etape Vuelta a España : Alejandro Valverde
2009 Place of departure for 14. etape Vuelta a España : Damiano Cunego
2018 Place of departure for 5. etape Vuelta a España : Simon Clarke

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